Fishhead: World tour (abandoned)
Author: | Hayo
Submitted: | 11th December, 2004
Favourites: | 1 |
Genre: | Abandoned
| Downloads: | 446
Rated: |
Edited By Hayo on 8/8/2009
Edited By Hayo on 24/03/2006
I stopped working on this game a year ago, when I started working on Bernard & Hank, but people keep mailing me about this, so here it is: Fishhead: World tour.
This is not like Fishhead 2 or 3, its more adventure-ish, and you carry a guitar instead of a gun. You have to play songs on it to defeat your enemies. All the GFX and sound effects are original, and the music, played by me and my "band" is based on the song "Cortez the killer" by Neil Young.
I have many reasons not to work on this game anymore.
1. It isn't going anywhere. So far its only walking and shooting the same pothead over and over. The gameplay is pretty slow and playing songs to attack enemies takes a lot of time.
2. I don't like the gfx. Since I started working on BnH I have only been doing pure pixel art. Most of the gfx of FHWT where done in tgf, but a lot of them with dirty tranparancy overlay tricks.
3. People complained about the game when I only started it. "guitar music doesn't suit the game" and "this needs work". This was kinda odd cuz the game is full of guitars.
4. This game would take too much time, which I don't have cuz of my job.
Anyway, this doesn't mean there isn't gonna be a Fishhead 4, I might think about a new Fishhead game after BnH is released.
Have fun with this 10% of Fishhead: World tour.
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