The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Scrolling Survivor Demo

Scrolling Survivor Demo
Author: Zoglu Submitted: 3rd September, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 457
109th Place     (4.2 / 5)

Edited By Zoglu on 12/3/2008

Why does this game differs from the "classic" platformers? The answer... is within its name !

Gameplay :

Scrolling Survivor is basically a 2D platformer. The character moves, jumps and collects bonuses.
But your main enemy is the scrolling, as it doesn't follow you, it's up to you to do so ! In addition, some enemies and obstacles will do their best to push you off the screen ! This idea may remind of Super Smash Bros.
Fortunately, your character, as long as long collect enough bonuses, has the ability to perform "Fast Moves", especially useful when you are pushed off the screen.

Graphics, Sound and Musics :

As you can see on the screenshots, Scrolling Survivor's graphics are only black, grey and white ! More precisely, the gameplay elements (characters, enemies, objects, platforms) are black with a white border, while the background is dark grey. You may also notice some graphical effects and many animations and backdrops.
The game's sounds (generated with the SFXR Sound Generator) and the musics (composées par Arachno) are quite retro, which fits the game very well.

The demo :

The demo includes three levels and a tutorial. The first one is quite easy, but the last one is really harder.
When you complete a level, the game gives you a score, and a rank (from E to A, and the famous S rank if you reach or exceed 100%). Will you complete the 3 levels with a S-rank?
Thanks to these ranks, you may be able to buy some extras with the points you collect in the game. Amongst this extras, you may find some useful tips if you are stuck. The full version will include many more bonuses !
The full version will also features some items to buy, and use in levels.

A 20-minute long fun demo is waiting for you to play it !
Please make any comments that could help me improving this game.

Controls :

In the menus :
- Arrow keys : select an option
- Ctrl or Enter : confirm your choice
- Esc : go back

During the game :
- Arrow keys : move
- Arrow keys, tapped twice : fast move (requires a sphere)
- Ctrl : jump
- Shift : accelerate scrolling
- Esc : pause (displays the controls, allow you to set up some options)

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If you want a zip file, download this : (3.3 Mb)

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  (1.4mb )

Posted by Marko 3rd September, 2008
Rated :

OUTSTANDING! This game is so professional looking - the menus are fantastic, the sound effects are perfect, the music is special and the whole game and its platforming movements are sublime! Hope you keep the quality up for the whole game, it is probably one of the best examples of coding i've seen on TDC. If you do, i'll almost certainly give it 5 stars.

Oh, and although i love the graphics (and i honestly do), i'd love to see the exact same game with Sonic the Hedgehog style graphics, just to see how it'd work. My imagination says it will work like this: Perfectly
Posted by The Chris Street 3rd September, 2008

This reminds me of an old klik game created by Duncan Fenn, called Bielzebubs Breakfast... had a very similar premise with very similar stylised graphics.
Posted by -Finn- 4th September, 2008
Rated :

awesome...keep going! i like the movement
Posted by Carnivorous id 4th September, 2008

Looks great. I'll download it when I get a chance.
Comment edited by Carnivorous id on 9/4/2008
Posted by AndyUK 4th September, 2008
Rated :

I'm actually surprised at how good this is. It's polished well and everything seems to have been tweaked to near perfection. Great job!

If i had to pick fault with it I'd say the slippy momentum might get annoying in small platforms and it might have been nice to see some colour in the game. Although it looks much better than I thought after looking at the project page.

What game was that music from? It's also in Lyle in cube sector, but was it ripped from a commercial game in the first place?
Posted by Zoglu 4th September, 2008

Thanks to everyone

Mark Radon : I'll stick with these black and white graphics anyway, I like them

AndyUK : the music is not from any game. It was made by someone called Arachno. I asked him if I could use his music, which, as you said, was used in Lyle in Cube Sector too.
Posted by alastair john jack 5th September, 2008
Rated :

This is pretty good!
Reminds me of the Tuki Tuki Island (demo)
Posted by erghhhhx 5th September, 2008

Very, very nice. Finally someone adds something to the platform-genre. Great job.

I will not rate it yet, since it's not done.
Posted by AndyUK 5th September, 2008
Rated :

This doesn't really add anything.
Posted by -Finn- 5th September, 2008
Rated :

this dude, andy, is a "wnb cool guy".
Comment edited by -Finn- on 9/5/2008
Posted by ThePodunkian 6th September, 2008
Rated :

fantastic game! i've featured it on the pretentious indie scene ( ). my thoughts on the game:

it's a really nice and clean graphical style, and the game controls very well. the effects are nice as well. my one suggestion deals with the second level, which sort of feels out of place, considering it throws out some of the game mechanics of the first stage (namely, speeding up the level with shift), and it's not nearly as exciting or fun as the other levels.
Posted by UrbanMonk 8th September, 2008
Rated :

Good Fun! Good Graphics! Good Good!
Posted by wizkidweb 9th September, 2008
Rated :

Wow, this is really good! Five Stars!
Posted by Zoglu 9th September, 2008

Thanks again everyone
ThePodunkian : some people prefer this level, some people hate it. I might add the possibility to use the Shift key during the first part
I'm very glad you mentioned it on the website too

I will make another demo with 3 difficulty levels (many French players think that this game is very hard), another level between the tutorial and the first one, the ability to use items during a level (you'll have to buy them) and many other things
Posted by ThePodunkian 9th September, 2008
Rated :

just my personal opinion, but i think adding items that you can buy might end up hurting the arcade aspect of the game, since high scores wouldn't be THAT comparable since a player that has bought an item will have an advantage over a player that hasn't. on a similar note, have you considered an online scoreboard of some sort? i think your gameplay REALLY suits something like that.

at any rate, i'm looking forward to the full game -- it's surprisingly one of the more well concieved games i've played this year.
Posted by Zoglu 10th September, 2008

Well, I could disable high scores if you use an item during a level. I will certainly add an online scoreboard too Image
Comment edited by Zoglu on 9/10/2008
Posted by Cecilectomy 10th September, 2008
Rated :

whole lots of yes!
Posted by Sphax 11th September, 2008
Rated :

Really good ! Good job !
Posted by Zoglu 14th September, 2008

Posted by viva/volt 28th September, 2008
Rated :

I'm a bit late to the party, but this is a great game!

The level of polish really helps pull you in .

I got a little but frustrated with the controls (not sure why, they seem fine) and with one of the enemies who shoots bullets... From offscreen...

I thought I was playing Lyle in Cube Sector for a second because of the music .
Posted by Zoglu 29th November, 2008

Lol, thanks a lot, seems like I'm late too





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