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The Show Cave Incident
Author: Dave S. Submitted: 23rd November, 2014 Favourites:0
Genre: Retro Downloads: 347

Edited By Knudde (Shab) on 07/12/2014

Edited By Dave S. on 29/11/2014

A sliding block vertical maze game with a puzzle element. Certain strategies will become apparent the more you play.

Scenario - the show cave guide has ran off after a row and left the tourists lost and confused. It is your job to rescue all the tourists before exiting yourself.

Features - pixels the size of planets, cellular automata (CA) generated mazes (my rules), play any of the 39 challenges, minimal sound. There is no high score table or time limits.

Instructions - use arrow keys to move (guide will glide along until hitting something solid), space bar to place a boulder (move away then back again to make use of it), caps shift to call for back up (handy if you get stuck) and escape to return to menu. Alt/F4 will exit the game.

Other info - I created the characters based on both Oryx and Oddball's 8x8 fantasy sprite templates. I spent much time experimenting with alternative life pattern rules in MCell to create a variety of maze/cave like structures. Some editing was necessary. Only one was hand drawn.

Dave S.

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Posted by s-m-r 26th November, 2014

There's some serious challenge here, Dave S.!

The sliding puzzle format also works surprisingly well with the theme: the idea that the player can take only certain routes from one section of the cave to the next...some areas are easily accessible while others take a lot of fiddling...the notion that one could become lost FOREVER in the caves should they make one wrong move.

Though I did encounter that 'title screen graphics' bug you posted about on the forums, working around it was worth it. Nice job!
Posted by Dave S. 26th November, 2014

Thanks for the feedback s-m-r.

The maze/cave like systems are only one screen width by three or four deep. Most of the challenges are quite easy once you get used to the concept. If there is a follow up, I may introduce some skulls to up the anti.

Still working on the zip file anomaly. Do you think an executable file would be accepted?
Posted by s-m-r 27th November, 2014

I'd say keep the zip file as is, since you may be able to find a workaround. Plus, it seems easier to have archives accepted, generally speaking.

However, posting a link in the description, reading "for those of you experiencing the menu screen graphics bug, you can download the standalone EXE here:" would be acceptable, I think.
Posted by Dave S. 28th November, 2014

In the end I just made a new backdrop for the intro screen showing all the active pictures and put it behind everything else.

Posted by Knudde (Shab) 7th December, 2014
Rated :

Very cool game you have here! This one should not be judged by screenshots people!

May I suggest an easy way to get out of the title screen? Escape didnt' work, and I had to alt+F4 out.
Posted by Dave S. 7th December, 2014

Thanks for your comment.
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Escape should work (is your keyboard playing up?!). Exiting from the game then re-launching doesn't sound like much fun. Is anyone else having trouble returning to the main screen?

Update - pressing escape will only work after you have selected a challenge (will return you to the main screen). The only way to exit the game is to press alt/F4.
Comment edited by Dave S. on 07/12/2014
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 8th December, 2014
Rated :

I am just suggesting that you make pressing escape on the title screen ends the game. It worked inside the challenges to make me exit back to the title screen, but to close the game you should have the escape key do that on the title screen.
Posted by Dave S. 8th December, 2014

Fair comment. Thanks for trying the game out.
Posted by LordHannu 7th June, 2020
Rated :

Really smart game. Found it bit hard.
Posted by Dave S. 8th June, 2020

I didn't think it was that difficult as there is no time limit. Don't use boulders unless you really have to. Thanks for the feedback.





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