So if I understand this correctly- everyone from the first round will be able to participate in the next round, since you get 2 losses before you are eliminated, right? I can see this taking quite some time to finish 0_o
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Originally Posted by Bricnic So if I understand this correctly- everyone from the first round will be able to participate in the next round, since you get 2 losses before you are eliminated, right? I can see this taking quite some time to finish 0_o
Alot of people didn't make anything or dropped out. I have a feeling that may happen again in the future.
I forfeited the first round, but i'd still like to enter the next round if permitted. I'll probably make a suitable game either way, just for a challenge - it's not like I ever had any expectation of actually winning the comp. If my partner is worried I won't contribute, then they can always just "duel" me anyway.
It might be worth checking how many of the other dropouts are seriously intending on making a game this round, before matching partners.
Hahah, i just wanna see how this competition turns out.
If it goes well, it should become a tradition for TDC. Were once a year, a tournament is held and the winner can get a kool re-vamped GOTW image, mabey like have it animated so it looks like it shines.
that would be kool
Your just jealous that you're not as awesome as me.
(And my megaman avatar )