Something with a "cat" and a "tree", darn I wish I knew this expression in English.
So I probably will wait for about a year or two and then I might buy the 3DS because it's a nice little system with some classic games. However the NGP might be able to emulate those classic games too ...
And what about homebrew support? Sending homebrew wirelessly to the 3DS would be awesome.
There was an emulator for the DS on the original psp, it ran some games full speed.
Phoenix Wright
I had to use the analog stick to tap on the touch screen though.
Yeah, it was better to just play it on my DS, but I like to just mess around with my hardware sometimes.
However, this time around the psp is about as fast as my PC, annd it has a touch screen.
I've noticed many people remark on Dingoo's SNES emulation ability; I've never once had any issues with frame rates, or sounds, with SNES emulation (unless of course running mode7 which many emulators scream at).
I love my Dingoo (I did flash the NAND to run Linux [Dingux], but to be honest I didn't see any advantage... At least I have the possibility though... Dual-boot FTW)
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.
Will Cave Story 3DS make use of the 'real cinematic 3D view' or will it just be the 2D version with 3D graphics like the new super mario bros for the nds was?
For those of you that have played the other three, which was your favorite? It was Gamecube > N64 > Wii for me. I was disappointed that Super Paper Mario wasn't a Paper Mario game.