The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Drive 'Em Up ::. 2D RACING DEMO V1.0

Author: ElectricPro Submitted: 30th November, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Drive 'Em Up Downloads: 330

This is just a small demo of a racing game i am working on.It is a racing game that you race through levels. This demo only has 1 level and isnt that good. There also isnt any AI. Like i said its only a demo dont expect much.

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Posted by ElectricPro 30th November, 2002

o yeah this demo isnt on my website this demo is only here.
Posted by Shme (Stupid Liar) 1st December, 2002

Great game. Super gfx.
Posted by bigdave 1st December, 2002

OMG, this is the worst game i've ever played. I advise you not to make the full game. This is a typical newbie game. You need to change the hotspot on the car.
Posted by Pete Nattress 1st December, 2002

yep, sorry but typical newbie. hotspot needs changing, graphics are all from TGF librbaries... very poor. at least try to make a decent game before submitting it. > to change the hotspot of the car, go into the animation editor. select the hotspot tool and make sure the hotspot is in the centre of the sprite.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 1st December, 2002

Posted by Mr Saturn 1st December, 2002

"Podunkian, if this website had quality control you'd be long gone." Now THAT'S funny.
Posted by Nioreh 1st December, 2002

OMFG!!! This sucks soooo bad! Honestly, who accepted this? I thought downloads still went through admin guys. No offense electricpro, but this was very bad indeed!
Posted by ElectricPro 1st December, 2002

i was a newbie when i made it and uploaded it. i cant draw and i still have stuff to learn
Posted by HOSJ 1st December, 2002

WAS??? as opposed to IS??? pardon me but you are STILL a newbie....
Posted by ElectricPro 1st December, 2002

k, its just people should try to help not say bad stuff about it.
Posted by danjo 1st December, 2002

he did say dont expect much.
Posted by >NzR< 2nd December, 2002

It's pretty good, exept the gameplay..
Posted by bigdave 2nd December, 2002

i'm really not trying to be mean, but what's good about it? IT IS THE WORST GAME EVER and even my crappiest game is better than this. sorry :)
Posted by James Thorburn 26th June, 2003

Not downloaded this yet but at present I'm considering making some games. I've been playing with Klik products since Klik & Play first came out but if I get this kind of responce to stuff I make I might not bother. Tell people if there stuff isn't very good but don't be so harsh about it, be constructive





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