The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. Billy Bob the Cactus Blob DX Director's Cut

Billy Bob the Cactus Blob DX Director's Cut
Author: Phlibbit Submitted: 12th April, 2004 Favourites:1
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 597
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Phlibbit on 4/13/2004

Edited By Phlibbit on 4/12/2004

Edited By Phlibbit on 4/12/2004

Edited By Phlibbit on 4/12/2004

Take a fun romp through the original's adventure again, but this time, there are more bosses, longer, harder levels, better story, and bonus secrets! Be warned: if you haven't had the experience of playing the original "Billy Bob the Cactus Blob" game, stop at this instant, head on over to (or find it here), download it, and play it. It is vital for you to see the parallels between the two versions. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this game! 6 months of my hard work, blood, and sweat went into this.

Oh, and one more thing, be sure to view the readme file. It will help you enjoy the game more.

Game Features

-An updated adventure of Billy Bob the Cactus Blob
-4 Different Weapons/Upgrades
-16 Fun and exciting chapters of game play
-Game automatically saves by chapter
-4 hidden bonus secrets!
-A good Billy Bob game for a change!
-Everything's spelled right (for the most part)!


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Posted by The Chris Street 18th April, 2004

Well its too late for it to go on the Front Page anyway. I think this is a pretty weak game. I don't want to offend you or anything, so don't slap my wrists. The Seizure level was just stupid, it really hurt my eyes. The platform sections are annoying at best, while the RPG parts are boring. There is little point to the whole game, for me. I'm not judging the game on graphics or anything like that. Gameplay is what does it for me, and I had to search very hard to find some. Sorry dude, I felt I had to say this. But clearly though I'm in the minority, as atm this is winning in the GOTW poll.
Posted by Phlibbit 18th April, 2004

Well, Billy Bob is definately not for everyone. But the people that do like it understand what it's all about, and the people that don't are just scratching their heads, wondering, I suppose.
Posted by Phlibbit 18th April, 2004

Oh, and if your personal policy of no demos in the GOTW poll was in effect, as of right now, the game would be in the lead by 6 votes. But then again, if you did the GOTW this week, it probably wouldn't be in it...
Posted by The Chris Street 18th April, 2004

Well actually, if I had done GOTW, it would be in it. Just cos I don't like it, it doesnt mean I'm going to deny everyones right to vote for it :D
Posted by Phlibbit 18th April, 2004

Well, all right. Actually, I think I'm taking up your suggestion to start something other than Billy Bob. However, once you see what it is, you'll probably want me to keep working on Billy Bob :P
Posted by TLONMASTER 18th April, 2004

Yeah, I've seen one of his non-BB games, and it was really, really, really, bad. Something about a Bomb-Omb I believe. It was badness times eighty-seven. (Point two.)
Posted by Phlibbit 18th April, 2004

TLON STOP You're supposed to be supportive :)
Posted by Phlibbit 18th April, 2004

Uh...that's why me and TLON don't support you, Phizzy.
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 19th April, 2004

Its finally here!!! IM GONNA DLOAD THIS OMG OMG OMG!!! P.S: Now you know im a n00b who hasnt visited Daily Click for 3 months....
Posted by Phlibbit 19th April, 2004

Vote for it Fraggy.
Posted by 19th April, 2004

There is a wierd glitch I found when you are in Cactus Castle Prison. When you are under the portal you don't have to shoot it, you can just jump off the side of the screen and you will go to the next area. NOTE: Sometimes this doesn't work and you will get stuck.
Posted by Phlibbit 19th April, 2004

Y'know, and I have absolutely no idea why that works. Logical sense tells me that it shouldn't, but I guess it's just a fun glitch :P
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 20th April, 2004

Woooooah. You're going to win the GOTW! I didn't see that coming either. Anyway, congratulations! :)
Posted by Phlibbit 20th April, 2004

Posted by Phlibbit 20th April, 2004

!?! You voted for me, Phizzy? Why!?
Posted by Phlibbit 20th April, 2004

Oh, you use TNT Thistles. When the battle starts, continuously fire them while circling Too Mah Toe.
Posted by Phlibbit 20th April, 2004're just holding down the 'B' button and moving around TMT, right?
Posted by gustav 21st April, 2004

haha. i smell cheating on gotw...
Posted by Phlibbit 21st April, 2004

Umm...not that I know of. Maybe you just can't believe that it's actually winning :P
Posted by Phlibbit 21st April, 2004

Umm...not that I know of. Maybe you just can't believe that it's actually winning :P
Posted by gustav 21st April, 2004

31 downloads, 12 thumbs up, 5 thumbs down, 29 gotw votes. seems pretty odd to me.
Posted by Phlibbit 21st April, 2004

Well, if anyone IS cheating (which I hopefully doubt), I'd rather like to see my game win of its own accord.
Posted by Phlibbit 21st April, 2004

And you'd think that a few people would vote on GOTW anyway, even if they haven't played the game...
Posted by Wilhelm300 21st April, 2004

Well, if you ask me, gustav I also think that quote-31 downloads, 12 thumbs up, 5 thumbs down, 29 gotw votes-Quote is pretty od, I my self voted for Unrelenting, now THAT is a game worth voting for...
Posted by Phlibbit 21st April, 2004

Well, either way, I'm personally not cheating, and I don't have any control whatsoever over who wants to vote for my game.
Posted by Phlibbit 21st April, 2004

Yes indeed.
Posted by TLONMASTER 21st April, 2004

Well, if you apparently thought it was good enough game to vote for - then by the logic of the great Phizzy, shouldn't everybody else?
Posted by TLONMASTER 21st April, 2004

Well, if you apparently thought it was good enough game to vote for - then by the logic of the great Phizzy, shouldn't everybody else?
Posted by TLONMASTER 22nd April, 2004

Well, you said you voted for it, which apparently means by your standards that you think it should win, correct? Then you said that we're cheating, which is implying that you don't think it's worthy of being Game of the Week. Bang zooooooom.
Posted by Koolieloach 24th April, 2004

Hey Phizzy, nobody cheated on Billybob DX for being GOTW!!!!!!!!! It is a great game, and Phlibbit keep on making them!!!
Posted by Phlibbit 25th April, 2004

Why thank you, mr. fizsy.
Posted by Simon Colmer 25th April, 2004

this game rocks, woooooh!
Posted by TLONMASTER 25th April, 2004

Posted by Jamesbuc 26th April, 2004

I think Phlibbit deserved that GOTM award Phizzy.
Posted by Willy C 28th April, 2004

no dis-respect here, but...I cant belive it won.
Posted by Phlibbit 28th April, 2004

Yes. Yes it did, and that's all that matters.
Posted by DarkMatterX 1st May, 2004

Oh shush Phizzy. Go suck on some eggs.
Posted by Phlibbit 2nd May, 2004

You little devil you.
Posted by PreviousPlasma (DarkSoft) 5th May, 2004

*gets strange urge to punch Phizzy in the mouth*
Posted by BlackZombie 7th May, 2004

More good Billy Bob games like this one! I think also if you combined all the previous games into one it could actually be good and entertaining. I just don't want to download all 15 or whatever it is now of them.
Posted by BlackZombie 7th May, 2004

I just thought of a humorous idea for future Cactus adventures. How about some of the characters include Peyote and Peruvian Torch cactii? They could wear Tie Dye shirts and listen to Grateful Dead or something - or Billy Bob could eat one and go on a crazy adventure!
Posted by Phlibbit 8th May, 2004

Uh, yeah, they are the same person...what does that have to do with anything? Oh, and BlackZombie, in Billy Bob #: Subtitle, you see Billy Bob's brother, Vern, and he's a golden barrel cactus.
Posted by TLONMASTER 10th May, 2004

Actually, BlackZombie, for BB3, I had plans to do a similar, say trippy "parody" scene. All I can say is that this is the end, my only friend. :D
Posted by Monkey33333 22nd May, 2004

Me Lik Billee Bob gayms! But Me ulwayz get airor wen me go 2 the botum flore uv Billee Bob's house!
Posted by Tom Alder 27th May, 2004

Posted by Phlibbit 1st June, 2004

Hello Phizzy. And as for all of the errors, the only thing I have to blame is the glich-pit that is TGF. I went through the game numerous times, however, and fixed all the ones I possibly could. Look for a FAQ, and a newer version soon.
Posted by X_Sheep 30th August, 2004

If you remove the animation in the shadow object (which handles all collisions), the getting stuck bug should be gone then. I'm getting really frustrated getting stuck over and over again in the final boss stage :P
Posted by Sean Kelly 30th September, 2004

I had trouble with The Great Mighty Poo form conker's Bad fur day in this game. This poo is harder then the one on the real game its self!
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 7th April, 2005

I might actually review a game that was made in April of 04. :P
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 8th April, 2005

One thing- the size was decrease DRAMATICLY if you didn't inculde all of the music files sepertly. :P





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