The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. Billy Bob the Cactus Blob 0.5

Billy Bob the Cactus Blob 0.5
Author: Phlibbit Submitted: 11th February, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 223

By now, you've probably decided that you either love the Billy Bob series, or loathe the Billy Bob series. If you loathe it, don't bother downloading this, or posting any comments, for that matter. Anyway, onto the description. This game is a prequel to Billy Bob 1! It stars Billy Bob's father, Billy Bo Bob, and the one adventure that may cost him his life as he knows it...

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 Bob 0.5 Installer.exe (.9mb )

Posted by The Chris Street 12th February, 2004

Yup, enough is enough now...
Posted by Mingy Jongo 12th February, 2004

If you guys had a sense of humor, maybe you could learn to appreciate his games. And be happy he didn't put up Gone Fishin' Airboat Racing.
Posted by AndyUK 12th February, 2004

well phlibbit if you want to keep making these games then you will have to expect bad comments some people dont even read what you've wrote. and remember a few bad games can give you a bad reputation thats hard to shake off
Posted by Cazra 12th February, 2004

This is pretty funny. I liked the other 2 better though.
Posted by The Green Stranger 12th February, 2004

ARGH! *The person that wrote the letters above just died because of the poopish-graphics. Thank you and Good night!*
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 12th February, 2004

No offense, phlibbit, but this game is sort of stupid. I've seen all of them. It was funny the first time, and now I just think you don't like to take the time to make the graphics. You just spin them out to fast. Put some more work into the graphics and add a custum engine, then this might be fun and funny.
Posted by TLONMASTER 12th February, 2004

I personally think that everybody is being too critical. If you actually judge these games as games, then, well, it sucks out a lot of the fun.
Posted by Phlibbit 12th February, 2004

Actually, I just didn't make the games over a course of a few days. I made each of these games over summer breaks for about 3 years.
Posted by Phlibbit 12th February, 2004

Good for you. I'm glad you have the time to make games like these, as well as the magnficent Phizzy Pong whenever you wish.
Posted by Nick of All Trades 13th February, 2004

Billy Bob the Cactus Blob is great!!!!! :D :D Please continue with these games, I really like them!
Posted by Nick of All Trades 13th February, 2004

And you all really underastimate (did I spell it right?) these games (or at least this for a matter). I think he has been doing a great improvement (especially with the house) since the first game. I maybe write a review of this game some day.
Posted by Phlibbit 13th February, 2004

Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 13th February, 2004

Sorry, Phlibbit.
Posted by TLONMASTER 13th February, 2004

Hopefully you'll be prepared for BB3: Master of Disguise. It's still in its very early stages of development, but perhaps I'll get some shots up to show just how well the game style has evolved.
Posted by Phlibbit 13th February, 2004

Posted by Phlibbit 13th February, 2004

And yes, like TLONMASTER said, BB3 you will love and enjoy. Yes, even you, Phizzy. Also, I'm going to make some previews for Billy Bob the Cactus Blob DX: Director's Cut, which is a remake of the first game, and a preview of Billy Bob 2: Zero Mission, which is a remake of Billy Bob 2.





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