The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Marker Mayhem

Marker Mayhem
Author: OMC Submitted: 14th March, 2009 Favourites:3
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 301
153rd Place     (3.88 / 5)

Edited By OMC on 06/05/2024

Edited By OMC on 06/05/2024

Edited By OMC on 06/05/2024

Edited By OldManClayton on 12/4/2009

Edited By OldManClayton on 3/16/2009

NOTE: If you download this game, please comment. Even if you think it's awful or don't want to put anything intelligible, just put "dl'd" or something... The lack of comments is depressing.

Edited By OldManClayton on 3/14/2009

While working on Splotches today I was digging through some old resources on a dusty buried hard drive and found the original source for this old game. It was a fun little diversion my brother and I made a few years ago. Pretty crappy looking, but like my other oldie submission, still good for a bit of fun.

You play the role of a math teacher who must prevent his students from falling asleep in class. You do this by clicking on the woozy ones to... well I don't want to ruin the surprise. Every 60 seconds you can press the space bar to use a siren that will wake any sleeping students.

This is a game I've wanted to remake for a long time. If you've the time and are bored, draw me some graphics for it!

By the Way! Muy importante... the tcentertainment web address no longer belongs to me. It's some singer's site now. O_o my website is now.

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Posted by Ski 15th March, 2009

I quite liked this , yeah I definatley think it could make a cute little remake. Im wondering what the blue/red theme was for though?
Posted by OMC 15th March, 2009

Nothing particular. Or at least, I don't remember a reason. O_o The way I programmed it was very complex... it required the checkered boy/girl pattern to allow for the way I made it. I know what I'd do now to make it better, but hey, I was inexperienced then. X)

And arguably still am.
Comment edited by OldManClayton on 3/15/2009
Posted by W3R3W00F 15th March, 2009
Rated :

Naw, don't think that. I mean hey, I'm not much better.

That's what I think.
Posted by Matthew Wiese 16th March, 2009
Rated :

Pretty fun actually, looks like a twist on whack-a-mole.
Posted by OMC 16th March, 2009

Posted by Fish20 16th March, 2009
Rated :

Pretty fun, but not very addicting.
Comment edited by Fish20 on 3/16/2009
Posted by alastair john jack 17th March, 2009
Rated :

oh my gosh! That was amusing, I got 222!
I reckon you should do sequel or something!
Was funny though, the teacher doesn't even teach, he just stares at them and throws pens!
Posted by RedEnchilada 17th March, 2009

i liked it
Posted by OMC 17th March, 2009

Thanks guys. n_n I'll do a remake as soon as I get some shiny graphics help.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 17th March, 2009
Rated :

Very limited gameplay. Original idea, and it makes me think of my maths lectures some what, but in terms of fun it's severely lacking. Too repetitive.
Posted by OMC 17th March, 2009

Posted by Tomatokid 18th March, 2009
Rated :

WOOT! I got 300! Uber funny-
you should totally do a sequel!
Posted by W3R3W00F 19th March, 2009
Rated :

Best Keep-kid-awake-with-markers game eva.
Posted by Bricnic 20th March, 2009
Rated :

It's pretty funny, but also really boring after a few minutes. A bit like a mini-flash game or something. It also had that element of "you had to be the creator to get what was going on"- what was with the rubbish bin? I just threw markers at it and it disappeared.. also there was no real explanation as to what the red bar meant, though I figured it was a bit like a "HP" bar that slowly went up when everyone was awake, and dropped when someone was asleep. And what was the deal with the "PRESS SPACEBAR!" message, followed by some siren noise that ended abruptly, and took my red bar down to zero? Pretty confusing. Maybe there should be a limit to your ammo or something, and you have to "reload" by quickly dashing into your office and grabbing another box of markers or something? You could make this fun by adding lots of little gameplay elements to keep it interesting, and also add some instructions / "how to play" section WITHIN the game. I think there was a text file, but I didn't read it (most people won't), and it was only after I had deleted the game that I even remembered that there probably was a text file.

Anyway I think the graphics are actually quite good. It's mostly the gameplay which needs work.

Good luck
Posted by OMC 20th March, 2009

The trash bin is for extra points. When I made this game, it was to my brother's plan. It was an inside joke that he was going to show to his class. His math teacher would throw markers at the trash bin when a certain teacher came in holding one. He would also stand on chairs and make a siren noise to get attention. So yea, it was "you had to be the creator" or part of my brother's math class. Time builds up in the meter, and when you hit space bar it wakes up any student who's asleep. It's a useless feature, really, because we made it when more than two people could fall asleep before the game ended.

I want to do a remake, with shiny Adamski graphics or something and new gameplay elements.

Thanks, Bricnic.
Posted by Hayo 14th April, 2009

Hah, awesome, this is giving me ideas. Not for a game but real-life ideas
Posted by OMC 14th April, 2009

Haha! Tell me how it goes.
Posted by SortaCore 27th May, 2009
Rated :

Lol @ game, es nicer than a barrelful of cushties.
Was something dodgy about it, though...
remember? I told you on Gwerdy
Posted by OMC 9th June, 2009

Cushties? O_o






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