Marker Mayhem
Author: | OMC
Submitted: | 14th March, 2009
Favourites: | 3 |
Genre: | Arcade
| Downloads: | 301
Rated: |
Edited By OMC on 06/05/2024
Edited By OMC on 06/05/2024
Edited By OMC on 06/05/2024
Edited By OldManClayton on 12/4/2009
Edited By OldManClayton on 3/16/2009
NOTE: If you download this game, please comment. Even if you think it's awful or don't want to put anything intelligible, just put "dl'd" or something... The lack of comments is depressing.
Edited By OldManClayton on 3/14/2009
While working on Splotches today I was digging through some old resources on a dusty buried hard drive and found the original source for this old game. It was a fun little diversion my brother and I made a few years ago. Pretty crappy looking, but like my other oldie submission, still good for a bit of fun. 
You play the role of a math teacher who must prevent his students from falling asleep in class. You do this by clicking on the woozy ones to... well I don't want to ruin the surprise. Every 60 seconds you can press the space bar to use a siren that will wake any sleeping students.
This is a game I've wanted to remake for a long time. If you've the time and are bored, draw me some graphics for it!
By the Way! Muy importante... the tcentertainment web address no longer belongs to me. It's some singer's site now. O_o my website is now.  
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