Open Source AI example
Author: | 3kliksphilip
Submitted: | 15th November, 2009
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Engine
| Downloads: | 906
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Edited By 3kliksphilip on 11/15/2009
*Can simulate any size of battle, with as many people and teams as you would like
*Gives every person a 'sight'
*Stop it from glitching on walls!
Combine it with the advanced pathfinding object and you'd have some very solid AI. but don't do that, I want to do it first
This open source AI shows 4 different AI examples...
1) Really rubbish AI that first bullets occasionally
2) AI that can see, but doesn't know which guard should be able to shoot
3) AI that knows which guard should be able to shoot (Solid AI for games)
4) A bit like 3, but with more features and more realistic movement.
How this works is up to you, some games will work better with different numbers of sight objects. But this is how I do AI in games. I prefer it to simple 'see if there's nothing between the enemy and your player' because it's easy to set which directions the sight heads in, and some times you want AI with a chance of going wrong. For stealth games, for example.
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