Edited By The Chris Street on 12/28/2012
Copied from the README (lazy):
by Chris Street
Acoders (www.acoders.com)
NOTE: Please extract the files from the zip before playing, for the full benefit of the game.
NOTE 2: Antivirus software may well flag this as "suspicious" software, and incorrectly so. I assure you there is NOTHING dodgy with the game, as a 10-plus veteran of the "Click Community" and administrator of www.create-games.com
All music is NOT original, and is taken from modarchive.org
The sequel to the original 2009 festive release, Christmas Island 2 has been a very short time in the making. I've had to rush the release a little in time for Christmas, so I apologise for any scrappiness.
Christmas Island 2 utilises a "grid based" platform engine, inspired by o3's Super Awesome Adventure Extreme, by Nick Kraitch. You control the central protagonist (Santa, of course) on a journey that takes him into some strange places. Christmas Island has evolved, graphically, from the first game.
The game can be quite hard in places. You may not also always know what to do, or where to go next. Sorry about that. At least this is quite a small game (but bigger than the prequel!)
Happy Christmas!
NB: The platform engine is unconventional; you don't get full "free" movement. Left/Right moves Santa around. Tap Shift to perform a small jump. Hold Shift down to do a longer jump.
Review This Download
 http://www.acoders.com/members/chriss/christmasisland/christmasisland2.zip (5.18 mkb )