Thanks very much, Rikus. It's pretty short but I'm glad you enjoyed it. It would be amazing to watch you play the game so I'll look forward to that! Good to see you back again, btw!
There are a few things I could add to it. Those are good suggestions, but I think I'm done with this one. Check the included manual for a few extra things you can do after you've beaten the game!
Thanks Nim! I will check the Manual right now. I recorded the Let's play a couple of days ago s expect that in the coming week, might still be a bit since there are a couple of Episodes in front of it, but yea I had a great time! Old school exploding bees!
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I think I need to account for the difference between the apparent brightness of red, green and blue, as blue appears so much darker than the others.
I also want to try and generate an actual truetype font, designed to work with cleartype etc.
That's hilarious, Sketchy, and uncannily it works For making the font, I'm not very experienced but I've previously used Inkscape to create individual glyphs and imported them into FontForge.
That's kinda nuts how that font actually works. I think I've seen someone try something like that before? But still, it's nuts.
So, work on my object engine thingy is coming along, though slowly. It's still got a lot of kinks to iron out, but at least I've managed to implement some important stuff I wanted, like pinning objects to one another, a system by which objects can have uniquely-calibrated behaviors, players/characters being able to apply forces to objects, and objects being able to transfer forces up their pinned hierarchy. The result is the ability to make complex, interactive object cluster thingies.
I'm most pleased with how the "swinging platform" behavior turned out, 'cause that one's got a lot of uses.
Set of scales
Ferris wheel platforms
And bendy platform.
...Now I just need to figure out what kind of game I'm making.
I might try to release it in some form if I can get it all into a useful state, but right now I don't think there'd be any point.
This is also turning out to be one of the most stupidly complex things I've put together. I've used up all the alterable values for the ground objects and am continuously trying to find ways to store/reuse more.
The physics themselves are just a bunch of applied trigonometry, which is applied on top of the whole polygon collision and hierarchy thing I've got in the engine. Which is mainly just more trigonometry.
Here is a latest project I was working on. I call it Cry of Fear - Project Zero. It's a fan game of the original Cry of fear Mod for half life. It has 3d elements and a 3d world + Scenes for a horror game. Worked on in multimedia fusion 2 with the OpenGL extension. Also was going to release an open mfa for it if anybody was interested.