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Putting Flash movies in your game
Author: Nobuyuki Submitted: 18th September, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 435

This is a tutorial that shows you some cool things you can do with putting Shockwave Flash movies into your MMF application. Includes: How to change Flash quality via MMF, and how to block that annoying Right-click menu. Plain-text transcript included!

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Posted by Deathbringer 18th September, 2002

and why bother with flash at all when MMF can do 10 times as much things and is much easier to use?
Posted by Jason Orme 18th September, 2002

doesnt work anyway
Posted by Jason Orme 18th September, 2002

doesnt work anyway
Posted by Heriberto Valle Martinez 18th September, 2002

This can be done with active X controls canīt it? Cool. and deathbringer, you can use flash for cutscenes in vectors. pondukina is right, this is good.
Posted by AndyUK 18th September, 2002

its no use to me anyway i dont have mmf
Posted by Nobuyuki 18th September, 2002

jsoft: can you name the problem before accusing it of not working? I'm not a n00b :P
Posted by Nobuyuki 18th September, 2002

btw, the example file is MMF 1.5 only. If you couldn't load it, read the transcript. That is, if the TXT file is working. Maybe I should have included a readme on how to read the text file XD
Posted by Poke & Gravy 18th September, 2002

FLASH is extremely helpful because MMF does suck for cutscenes. A great example of how FLASH can make a game great is in Turkey Sub II.
Posted by Roberto 18th September, 2002

Thanks Nobuyuki, I've actually been wondering how to do this recently - can't wait to check it out.
Posted by Simdrone052 18th September, 2002

Pretty good Nobu, my Stick Death archive coming soon!
Posted by LilSean 18th September, 2002

This is kinda neat.
Posted by Buster 18th September, 2002

It works perfectly. This is pretty cool.
Posted by Antonio Barra 19th September, 2002

Very useful, especially since you added a text file with explainations (I've only got MMF 1.2) :)
Posted by Heriberto Valle Martinez 19th September, 2002

Very useful! Nobuyuki is cool! jajaja.
Posted by ]Darkstar[ 20th September, 2002

good job nobu, flash is great for surprised it took this long before someone sorted it out :)
Posted by DeadmanDines 20th September, 2002

I'm at college at the mo, but This sounds really ineteresting. I haven't looked at it yet, but does this use the Flash activeX? I think flash5 player normally installs an activex you can use in mmf (i think).
Posted by danjo 20th September, 2002

this is good stuff nob :)
Posted by MasterM 20th September, 2002

THANK YOU VEEEEEERY much! i put some flash movies into my games but this was a hardwork and now it's so easy. Thank you buddy! (It's my birthday today XD)
Posted by DeadmanDines 20th September, 2002

Yep, ActiveX, I thought so. It's a great way of doing it - I already knew it, but only because I spent ages running thru all my ActiveX's to see what they did when i first got MMF. Your explanation for it was particularly good I thought, as well as the idea of stopping the right-click nonsense - I'd never have thought of doing that (but then I'm denser than the Earth's core - but unfortunately, not as hot:() *DiNeS
Posted by MasterM 20th September, 2002

it doesn't work =( mmf doesn't show me this extension
Posted by Adam S. 20th September, 2002

you can just use an internet explorer object!!!!!! It was done in Turkey Sub II
Posted by RaitoKi Ano-Sama 21st September, 2002

it is to worst thing that i have downloaded
Posted by Nobuyuki 21st September, 2002

Adam: the internet explorer object uses the flash object, therefore doubling your requirements to effectively load the movie (because the IE object is also an activeX component) not only do you also lose the extreme control over the flash movie, but now too you must be aware of IE compatibility issues between your version and the user's..!
Posted by Pete Nattress 24th September, 2002

very cool. works a treat!
Posted by Joshua M. 7th December, 2004

Man I wish that could be done for TGF





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