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Particle Object for MMF
Author: Nobuyuki Submitted: 12th June, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 538

BULLET.COX is an extension released for CNC by Akane. The file is originally for CNC only (and in japanese). It was later updated removing most of the jp from the menu items so the extension is useable to western users. Now, the MMF version is available and the menus have been changed for even easier use! For documentation, samples, and download, please follow the link above. The samples are still in Japanese as well, but they are fairly straightforward.

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Posted by Nobuyuki 12th June, 2002

I hope I didn't screw up anything in the description... cause I can't edit it! XD
Posted by Nobuyuki 12th June, 2002

Oh! And I still have no freaking clue what SCROLLX and SCROLLY does in the control. If anyone figures it out please don't be shy to point it out to me so I can add it to the documentation :)
Posted by None41 12th June, 2002

I remember trying to use this back in the day when it was in Japanese. Couldn't figure anything out. I'll give it a try.
Posted by Andrew Mather 12th June, 2002

Nice work! This is a really cool extension, hopefully people can now make better use of it.
Posted by Joshtek 12th June, 2002

I made my own descriptions of everything in the dialog...are you interested?
Posted by Nobuyuki 12th June, 2002

Joshtek: you can give it to me plaintext in an email if you wish, the dialog is pretty self explainitory but it never hurts to have more info available!
Posted by MasterM 12th June, 2002

New Extension: Particle *lol* NEW!!! *lol* *lol* *lol*
Posted by Joshtek 12th June, 2002

Well, an update to it I suppose :)
Posted by jake 12th June, 2002

hey, i have had that ext for more than a year and my versions not in japanese... oh well, cool you made ot for mmf!
Posted by Nobuyuki 12th June, 2002

yes, on request the japanese in the menus was taken out by Akane a while back, but were still rather cryptic...
Posted by Nash 13th June, 2002

MasterM, glad to see you never changed... lamer
Posted by MasterM 13th June, 2002

O nooooo! Not Nash ;-) Remeber I am not the MasterM from UK (This was the Lamer) but we talked about this time ago. I know this was a really stupid posting and Ihought a long time about really posting this but you see I did :-) @jake: me, too. you said " cool you made ot for mmf". was your version only for cnc or what? I am using the ENGLISH Bullet.cox in one of my games. I found the extension time ago with the Extension Catcher so I don't understand this "NEW EXTENSION"... but it's not soooo important ;-)
Posted by GFX software 13th June, 2002

where's the extension site?





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