The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. Chicken (demo)

Chicken (demo)
Author: Dr. James MD Submitted: 8th December, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 516

Edited By Jay (NewKlear) on 7/19/2004

Edited By jay white on 1/31/2004

Very wierd game in which you catch chickens! collect power ups to help you. only a demo with 2 worlds (10 levels) this will get finished sometime soon, after xmas.

any comments appreciated!

wide range of characters with different stats
6 cuddly chickens
10 levels (demo)
will have a virtual pet style thing
2 'weapons'
bonus items

full version expected Xmas. that will feature;
-7 worlds, each with 5 levels in them
-an extra 7 worlds for the elite players who finish the game on hard
-story mode (also act as practice levels)
-unlockable characters
-easy, medium and hard game modes.
-Mode7 menu!

Review This Download (3mb )

Posted by DeadmanDines 9th December, 2003

These are really good games of yours that you're posting Jim, it's nice to see you giving the DC-ites a chance to play em. But try taking more time to write the descriptions and uploading screenshots, because people won't realise just how good these things are otherwise.
Posted by Cazra 9th December, 2003

Woah!! 3 megs for a demo. I'll try it anyways although it'll take forever to download
Posted by Cazra 9th December, 2003

Awesome game. It would be better if it told you the controls and how to play. At first, I thought you had to hold onto the chickens but then I figured out that I had to put them in the pen.
Posted by Dr. James MD 9th December, 2003

yea :) sorry about the lack of help file! so listen up; CTRL- attack with net/drop seeds Shift- swap net/seeds catch a chicken, throw it into the pen. or throw the chickens at each other ;) go on.. u know u wanna
Posted by Dr. James MD 10th December, 2003

im gonna finish this game off, seems like a lot of people (other communities) like this! just need to do 3 more worlds, a big map level thing and a virtual pet :D
Posted by cake 11th December, 2003

Haha hilarious fun. It's cool smashing the chicken against trees (yes my dad is a farmer :P). What's my qualm? The snow stages are SO annoying, that wind is impossible. Its like, sometimes I go slow when it's not blowing and fast when it is blowing...smells like a flag or value gone awry ;). I want more!
Posted by DeadmanDines 11th December, 2003

Don't forget to put the help file actually within the game. Most people won't read the readme before playing, and adding a how-to-play screen tends to give a little more professional look.
Posted by Dr. James MD 11th December, 2003

the finished version will have a Training mode... which is also a very easy version of the first 'Story' level the stop thingy is a bug, im squishing them in pure delight at the mo :D
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 11th December, 2003

Hmmm...Pretty good game. It has a weird storyline, but its pretty fun. :)
Posted by Ly 16th December, 2003

This is more like it :)
Posted by Dr. James MD 24th December, 2003

full game uploaded under the name Shikun! go all! and be free





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