The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Engine ::. Walker02 (engine demo)

Walker02 (engine demo)
Author: Dr. James MD Submitted: 1st March, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Engine Downloads: 287

A little engine i made a while back in 2001 based on the Amiga original; Walker. Someday it may get finished.

Left click: Minigun
Right click: Flamethrower
Arrow keys: walk

aim: kill the humans! they think your evil!... which you are!

any(fool) who wants this open source just ask

Review This Download (211kb )

Posted by Evil Monkey 1st March, 2004

Hmm... unlike the screenshots and description, there were no humans. I even opened up the lone .gam file that was contained in the zip, and it had no humans in it. Did you by any chance upload the wrong file?
Posted by Rhys D 1st March, 2004

Funny how Phizzy Games has returned so quickly after he 'left'. Yet he still gives shit to other games.
Posted by Dr. James MD 2nd March, 2004

look on the ground. the humans are teeny tiny
Posted by Rhys D 2nd March, 2004

WHY CAN'T YOU SPELL PROPERLY? I don't go spelling your name Phizzy Gams do I?
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 2nd March, 2004

Hmmm...This is pretty good. I can't see the people though. Were the graphics ripped?
Posted by Lew 2nd March, 2004

"If you keep insulting me Rhys Davis... I can't put the next sentece due to deletion... " HAHAHAHAHA What you gonna say? "I'll SEN JOoe DA VIRuSSSS!!!!1111 and THEneN ULL DUIEEI!!!!!!!"
Posted by Dr. James MD 2nd March, 2004

all graphics are mine. and will people please stop arguing in my comment boxes... thank you
Posted by Rhys D 2nd March, 2004

sorry jay, just trying to help you actually Phizzy Games March 1 2004 hmm... this is scarily crappy... HOW WONDERFUL IT IS!
Posted by csharks 3rd March, 2004

it is simple fun .jay .it's koool
Posted by Teapot 3rd March, 2004

JAY this is old... I love your games...finish Hachiro, TE alpha and TG already!!!
Posted by renneF 3rd March, 2004

Posted by Dr. James MD 3rd March, 2004

im not blaming you Rhys D you got skill, Phizzy just pops his wee head in every day or so and somehow thinks hes 'da best' as he would say
Posted by Zi-Xiao 4th March, 2004

dude, calm down. You've got jay and Rhys Davies schooling you. Quit before they make even more of a fool out of you. Besides, with your stuff you make, you don't have much right to call jay's unique creation 'crappy'. And try to lay off the swearing and racism. It only makes you look weak. *cheers*
Posted by Dr. James MD 4th March, 2004

thanks Jerry
Posted by Zi-Xiao 4th March, 2004

just let it go, man.
Posted by Evil Monkey 12th March, 2004

Quote: "look on the ground. the humans are teeny tiny" I said, there are no humans. There is no bar. I loaded this in MMF but there are no humans! Quote: "any(fool) who wants this open source just ask" The file already IS open-source. See? I can prove that you uploaded the wrong file!
Posted by Barry Pearson 15th June, 2004

The file isn't there? Is it a bad server or is it that the file has gone? I used to love Walker on the Amiga so much, the feeling of power... heehee!





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