The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Titan Omega Revelations

Titan Omega Revelations
Author: Dr. James MD Submitted: 13th May, 2004 Favourites:1
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 695
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By jay white on 5/15/2004

Thousands of years ago mankind created a machine so powerful it could create a new world, this was named Project Genesis. Unfortunately it was lost in space, feared destroyed by a meteor or simply ceased to be... Things were actually much worse. Genesis became corrupted, it returned to destroy earth on many occasions. Genesis was eventually destroyed itself, and investigation teams were sent into the skeletal remains floating in orbit around the earth.

The true power behind the Genesis was never discovered... the Core; the very essence of the artificial creation process. The core had so much power, it launched the attack upon earth and had intentions and capabilities of a whole lot more. Originally thought to have been destroyed it wasn't until Earth was hit by a moon of Genesis that thought the core was nothing more than destroyed.

The hunt for the core continues...

JayTitan presents Titan Omega Revelations, the second game released in the Exodus series. Omega offers a different storyline to Titan Exodus 1 and 2, however all TE/Omega games take place after Genesis. This is NOT Titan Exodus 2 or a remake of Titan Exodus 1 (as originally planned). This is TEa, this is Omega Revelations.
This game features;

~ 13 Levels
~ 4 difficulty modes
~ 5 game modes
~ 4 CPU controlled team pilots
~ 360 weapon combinations in Omega mode
~ Level-ups
~ 70 weapons in Classic mode
~ Multiplayer capabilites
~ Unlockables (Game modes, new player crafts, cheats, concept art... etc)
~ 3 slot savegame
~ Real-Time clock
~ A vast story explained through cutscenes with references to religion and history
~ Soundtrack precisely crafted with tracks mixed or created by Jay

Unlockables include new weapons, levels, difficulty modes, cheats, new player crafts, minigames and 3 game modes.
**Sorry about the size of the download 56k users!**

**UPDATE** Patch uploaded, fixes all known problems (excpet slowdowns ) and speeds the game up a bit. (7mb)
the full download now contains the patched .EXE

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  (16mb )

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Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 18th May, 2004

That's a grade that was well deserved!
Posted by SoftWarewolf 18th May, 2004

well your teacher probebly looked most at the menu etc.. witch definitly deserv top grades :P but the game is realy anoying.. i had to keep playing forever to get enugh upgrades to clear first level, and on second level i made it really far.. but then it split up over and under these huge rocks and it was 100% imposible to get trough all the shots! have anyone cleared that??
Posted by Dr. James MD 18th May, 2004

actually the tutor had a CD of it over the weekend, came back and had completed up to Hard mode saying she hadnt slept much. the way i coded is was that you have to complete the previous modes to get to hard mode, not watch the menu for 48 hours
Posted by colej_uk 18th May, 2004

This is great work. Co-op multiplayer would be fun, hint, hint :D
Posted by Dr. James MD 18th May, 2004

there is a co-op multiplayer, select the 2 player option in the Extra's menu. Player 2 can either be the red ship, or the hunter bot!
Posted by Kåre Kølle Johansen 19th May, 2004

shit! SHIT! that machine.... im all freaked out here people :O
Posted by jast 19th May, 2004

"ive achieved my aim with this game, to get the highest grade possible in a british college." I'm sure you didn't tell your teacher that you neither menaged to create your own graphics nor used a "real" programming language.
Posted by defenestrator 19th May, 2004

I'm not sure he would care. Seriously, is this thing personal? Because I just can't figure out what this militant crusade about the originality of the graphics is all about.
Posted by Pete Nattress 19th May, 2004

i don't see why you need to use a real programming language. the way you get to a solution is irrelevant, as long as the soultion is functional.
Posted by Dr. James MD 19th May, 2004

there does appear to be some crusade against certain game makers XD i cant believe how pathetic that is really, i mean is this hobby? last time i checked im sure it was ;) but im on a design course, not a programming course. its all about looks and form not how well you can type
Posted by ZeroTau[FA] 19th May, 2004

Jay... I don't have the words to explain the stupidity of what you just said... maybe someone else will because I won't even bother.
Posted by ChrisB 19th May, 2004

Nope, I can't be bothered either. But I WILL review it, to even out the average score (if you're lucky) and to give me my 'Addicted to DC' rating.
Posted by cake 19th May, 2004

Programming has nothing to do with how well you type. Its just coincidental that good programmers usually can type pretty bloody fast. Congrats on you mark Jay, but I feel we all copped the rough end of the stick with this game, sure it looks great, top marks, but it plays very badly because of the difficulty curve, so we are all sitting here having a spastic trying to play through the game on Easy, then on Medium, then on whatever, I just want to go straight to Hard, dammit!
Posted by ThePodunkian 19th May, 2004

Inconsistent graphics + Crappy, crappy coding = Crappy, crappy game.
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 19th May, 2004

ZeroTau's right. Take the explosion from TOE that he posted, rotate it, and you'll see precise similarities with the one from R-Type 2 except for a few tones of colour changes. The pixels fit over the top of eachother perfectly, and that can't be just a coincidence. For example, look at the cluster of 2x2 pixels in the center of the explosion, it's replicated in the other but rotated. The half-moon style explosion is also exactly the same, the pixels line up pretty much perfectly. It looks like a few colours and a couple of pixels were changed at most. The ship does look different but you can fit certain features over the top of the other ship and they are exactly the same in terms of shape and where the colours change. The rear fin is about all that's been moved, and a single line or so of pixels is missing from the cockpit area, that's all. If the explosion is not traced or copied directly, and if that ship isn't just an edited sprite, then I'm Mary Poppins. By the way Jay, I have nothing against you or your games. I just thought that I would point out that ZeroTau was right.
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 19th May, 2004

Oh, Danjo bet me to it.
Posted by jast 20th May, 2004

"im on a design course, not a programming course" So why didn't you go and design something on your own??
Posted by Rhys D 20th May, 2004

No shit. If I were your teacher and I knew that the art wasn't original, your mark would be somewhere around the low D's.
Posted by ZeroTau[FA] 20th May, 2004

Jay, you seem to think it's impossible for people to dislike your games. Now you go and say that a crusade is out to get you? Well, if that's true it has to be for a reason. Maybe that you trace graphics from SNES games but never give credit (MAYBE if enough people tell you that you should, and enough people is about a thousand people), or maybe it's just that you need to work harder on gameplay and also test your games on slower systems. But someday I hope you can admit to yourself, you are not flawless. At all.
Posted by Dr. James MD 20th May, 2004

actually it was defenstator who pointed out some crusade thing. funny how its just the same people who keep posting? hmmmmmmmm ;)
Posted by Rhys D 20th May, 2004

Posted by Willy C 20th May, 2004

I cant get past the first moon on mars, Deimos. The scroller just stoppes.
Posted by Shadow99 20th May, 2004

BUG ALERT!!!! BUG ALERT!!! BUG ALERT!!! Pat me on the back for making it to level 4, then kick yourself in the ass for not letting me through. At the start of level 4 I have to quickly destroy a coil of wires before they touch me. Unfortunatly with my weapon set (I invested in homing missles for instance, which dont help me destroy the coils) I cant destory the coils in time. I also had a fire pattern which shoots up and down, so I lose firepower there. I destroyed it the first time I got there with my diagonal shot equipped. But now with the default up/down shot, it is impossible. You should at least give players more money for crashing into it so eventually they can upgrade to some more helpful weapons. I just happened to spend all of my money on the very items that dont help in that spot. Im screwed. Abort.
Posted by X_Sheep 20th May, 2004

It doesn't work anymore when I destroy the level 2 boss :(
Posted by X_Sheep 20th May, 2004

Oh never mind, the patch fixed it already ;)
Posted by Dr. James MD 20th May, 2004

i released a patch for that X_sheep
Posted by The Chris Street 20th May, 2004

Lets keep the peace dudes :P
Posted by X_Sheep 20th May, 2004

I said never mind :P But now it gives a different bug somewhere before the boss in level 2 :( It lags a lot and you can't shoot anymore :( (object limit)
Posted by Vanloon 20th May, 2004

Excellent game btw, I am still playing on easy so I not sure what it's like with lives, but I am a big fan of making games without lives so that it can be hard but you never have to replay from too far back.
Posted by ChrisB 20th May, 2004

Shadow99: If possible, cheat using an autofire controller (I did), but you can just keep trying and get 10000 for a laser upgrade.
Posted by Shadow99 21st May, 2004

I shouldn't have to die over and over intentionally collecting $10 per try until I can afford things to get past the entrance to level 4. That is stupid. These things should have been considered. I spent a lot of time and money upgrading homing shots and orbital ships, and I got screwed over. Thumbs down.
Posted by Kingson 21st May, 2004

Btw the 2 players mode is also full of bugs, for example in Level 2 the ship of the 2nd player is always destroyed at start and in level 4 the hunter bot isnt there. Did someone beat the 4th level?
Posted by AnnieFannie 22nd May, 2004

I reviewed this game, I gave it a 5/5 review, this is a great game.
Posted by AfterStar 23rd May, 2004

Great Game!Has very good presentation,Graphics,an ok music&sounds and i don't know about you guys but the game runs SMOOTHLY on my dad's laptop!(P4 1.4Ghz,256ram,ATI Raedon Mobility 7500...)! However it does RUN extremely slow on my P3 500Mhz,512ram,GeforceMX440SE 128mb....) so i suppose the game need a machine faster than 1Ghz for smooth play! One Thing i found negative was the DIFFICULTY! On Very Easy MODE its extremely Difficult because of all the rocks,units&projectiles flying around ignoring THE ROCKS which give a GREAT UNFAIR ADVANTAGE for the "bad guys"! And that 1 hit - DIE system you have its rather frustrating! Overall giving it a 7/10(3 points down for no fun-gameplay!)
Posted by AfterStar 23rd May, 2004

WARNING:SPOILER AHEAD! Ok,for all you weeping guys shouting loud about the difficulty!(Including my self ) Now that i played it more i figured out how to make the game much easier! 1)BUY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE THE ANTI-GROUND SHIELD($750)....THAT WAY when colliding with rocks don't lose,just short-bounce! 2)BUY all engine upgrades as soon as possible,they are MUCH cheaper than the price indicated! 3)USE GAMBLING OPTION AT YOUR OWN ADVANTAGE! Make about $500 or some more killing stuff! Now put all money to gamble!Just when you start gambling click ALT and be READY TO click F4 in case you are sure the ball is going to the lose side! IF you are gonna LOSE CLICK ALT+F4 which close the application,THIS WAY your MONEY are safeguarded! DO NOT BUY new stuff......because having more money to gamble means faster money income! Gamble and Gamble until you think you have enough money....say 150.000?! 4)UPGRADE YOUR WEAPONRY AT FULL! HAVE FUN,well if you can...Since the game(NOT THE SHIP) is moving REALLY at a slow rate(No slowdowns,its just the way the game is made! Please Jay Fix this by increasing the screen move to the Right - OR alternative idea have a button during the game that increase/decrease movement of the screen to the right....of course putting a limit to min/max!
Posted by AfterStar 23rd May, 2004

Also i can't have much fun BECAUSE at some point of the game,i can't shoot anything,nor can the enemies,because MMF reached its object limit i suppose.....hence making it extremely difficult to bypass the enemies! Can't you do anything to FIX this Jay? *(Also please read above comment at the end for another problem)
Posted by cake 23rd May, 2004

LMAO nice work AfterStar, your a beta-testing dream-come-true :). Could I get you to beta test Titan Exodus 2 when its finished?
Posted by cake 23rd May, 2004

Um, all scrolling absolutely stops on Deimos. VERY ANNOYED right now
Posted by AfterStar 24th May, 2004

Oh and ZeroTau[FA] i'm sure you CAN'T DO better than Jay or don't have anything else do to that's why you weeping! In my opinion most(maybe 100%) of Jay's Graphics are ORIGINAL in a sort of way!Yes Jay DID design the GFXs but using the following method: Having other games' screenshots/pictures on the right and slowly creating "new" GFXs on the left as he did with those Zelda chickens in Shikun! Am i right Jay? AND this is a VERY GOOD EXAMPLE of GFX/Pixel pics making! "The best teacher is experience" and....Biax is that beta-tester position still open?hehehe :) just joking!
Posted by AfterStar 24th May, 2004

Lol! I got 300.000 and now i'm unbeatable....! At first it was extremely difficult......and NOW is so easy...that it gets boring! Jay have the weaponry upgrades be available at later stages of the doesn't necessary to have them all available from the start! E.x. After each Boss defeated You get extra equipment available by your scienticts or something...this will help to prevent making the game extremely easy afterwards! Another idea:Add a health-bar to your spaceship! -Add extra healing-power-ups,invurnability for a few sec.,Destroy all in screen! Also you could have a new HEALTH-UPGRADE and/or a repair mechanism that slowly heals you(Like in Starwars ) All those ideas ably to Biax too,if he wants to use them! ...............Biax:How much % is TO2 completed
Posted by cake 25th May, 2004

Since Jay is giving clicking up I would suggest Titan Genesis will never get made. The time line in the series is something along the lines of: Titan Exodus->Titan Exodus 2 And Titan Omega Revelations is set in a different dimension, completely separate from the series and in consequential to the storylines of the other games.
Posted by Josh Whelchel 31st May, 2004

This is a very nice game. I don't bash too heavily simply because of inspired graphics... I know if Jay wasn't so rushed he'd probably be able to do 100% original work. School is that way, take it from a student. At any rate, I'm sad that an original composer was not contacted... and even more sad that credits to the individual musicians was not given in the game or even in a readme. Try to fix that next time around (; Other than that, it's hard... but enjoyable.
Posted by JFM 3rd June, 2004

Does this game really run this slow? I have just tried playing it on a P4 3Gz machine with 1Gb of memory and even in windowed mode I see stuff that's far slower than the original 64/Spectrum/whatever version. Is there no way to speed it up? Looks great - plays like a brick...
Posted by Rik 24th June, 2004

" "actually if you look very carefully at the explosion gfx it isn't the same" says a DC admin on messenger. its not a rip, it never was and never will be. neither explosion nor ship. " what, even though the two explosions pictured are EXACTLY the same, just one of them is a mirror image of the other? i challenge you to horizontally flip yur explosion and come up with anything that isnt exactly the r type explosion. why must you lie about such a blatantly obvious rip? anyway i think the game is really good once you get past the impossible hardness that is the first few tries. most games this hard i get fed up with and give up, but i never really got frustrated with this game so well done. the only thing that pissed me off was the fact that hitting the edge of the screen kills you, i mean, WTF?
Posted by Tomssuli 2nd July, 2004

Greeeeeat! =) This is something for a hardcore arcade shooter! 8)
Posted by kilboi 2nd August, 2004

Looks great for a game that had its GFX ripped from the far superior creator of Titan Exodus 2. DOnt even bother getting this. Wait For TE2!!!! TRUST ME!
Posted by Dr. James MD 15th August, 2004

lol the graphics arnt ripped. me and Baix are in a, dare i say, team with the Titan series. each one of us runs the the story and everything is explained. he showed me how to make graphics in the style of TE2 so the series could fit together. besides the series was started by me :D misuier killboi
Posted by cake 16th August, 2004

lol. killboi, always stirring trouble...;)
Posted by Tomssuli 20th September, 2004

Hmm... in omega mode level 5, Mars i think... In the beginning the game scrolls for a while and then stops... Then nothing happens. No enemies appear and the screen wont scroll. If you go over any edge of the screen, you'll be destroyed. Too bad =(
Posted by Dr. James MD 2nd November, 2004 the new one.






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