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Virtual Sheep
Author: Dr. James MD Submitted: 1st February, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 683

Edited By Jay (NewKlear) on 7/19/2004

A bizarre virtual pet game I made back in 1997 in KnP and updated in 1999 in TGF. You are a farmer, and like most farmers and welsh people, you have a sheep. With the soul aim to look after and raise the precious animal. *yerrite!* You can shoot (choice of 5 weapons!) and nuke him if you want.

It has quite complex things which seperate it from most Virtual Pets, i cant name them but the menu is huge and the list of things is much bigger still.
There isnt much I can say about it, other than it took about 2 months to make when i was but a wee lad.

Review This Download (4.45mb )

Posted by Johan Hargne (Wartagon) 2nd February, 2004

Large file... But I'll try anyways!
Posted by Johan Hargne (Wartagon) 2nd February, 2004

Wow! Nice game (Even though I hate this kind of games). Improvements: Remove those buttons which instantly takes you to a homepage. That was anoying. And the menu could be improved a bit. But the graphics were good and gameplay quite Okay!
Posted by Cazra 2nd February, 2004

The cottage in the screenshot looks like a library object.
Posted by Silveraura 2nd February, 2004

it is a library object, its in the TGF lib.
Posted by Bricnic 3rd February, 2004

The sheep are from Magician's Lair, but it looks like (from the screenies) you put a fair bit of work into this, so GJ.
Posted by Dr. James MD 3rd February, 2004

yup most of the graphics are ripped :) and the use of buttons and question objects is quite lame... but i was 14 at the time heh heh
Posted by Grazzum - Scorpion E 4th February, 2004

So random it's awesome lol.
Posted by Reaven Khali 4th February, 2004

I've seen something nearly exactly like this on an abandonware/freeware site called Goldfish
Posted by Biteg 8th February, 2004

it's a funny game except for when the sheep gets stuck at the bottom





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