The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Death Giver

Death Giver
Author: James Luke Submitted: 21st July, 2008 Favourites:1
Genre: Action Downloads: 3988

Edited By James Luke on 7/21/2008

Edited By James Luke on 7/21/2008

Death Giver is a game I have wanted to make for some time. It is played out from an isometric viewpoint as you take on enemies across different levels, shooting them with guns. Although a basic concept, the advanced AI will allow you to play through the level in a number of ways including stealth and action. Health packs can be picked up in order to give you a healing boost to boost your chances of survival. Escape via helicopter and return to your exciting life of accountancy!

Game was made by James Luke.
Spell checked by 3kliksphilip
Music by Tom Cotton.

Please tell me what you think and what should be added into the sequel!

Try this link if the main download doesn't work;11148659;/fileinfo.html

Review This Download (468 kkb )

Posted by Fish20 21st July, 2008

Can't download. it takes you right to the front page of filefront.
Comment edited by Fish20 on 7/21/2008
Posted by Sketchy 21st July, 2008

Fish20: try;11148659;/fileinfo.html

(he missed the "." between "giver" and "zip".
Posted by James Luke 21st July, 2008

ok i hav changed the host to megauplaod
Posted by phanto 21st July, 2008

reminds me of when I made games with klik & play back when I was like 11 years old.
Posted by Codemonkey 21st July, 2008

Okay a few things to help:

1: instead of playing the music at the start of each frame, loop it 0 times on the first frame, and select the "play sounds over frames" or something like that option in the application properties.

2: You probably need some sounds.

3: Instead of making the player stop upon hitting a tree, put an invisable sensor at the base of each tree and have the player stop when colliding with that. This will make it seem like the player can go behind/in front off the trees, since the angle of the trees looks like you should be able too.
Posted by Marko 21st July, 2008
Rated :

To add to -Codemonkey-'s very good points, i think some nice animations are VITAL, as well as designing a way of correctly making the bullet appear from the barrel of the gun, not just next to the player (use the Action Points in the frame animation screen).

I did like the graphics though, and the title screen picture made the game appealing. I'm going to rate this download low but with some more polish and a bit of experience, this can be a fabulous game. If you want any help, you only have to ask someone and i'm sure we'll all do what we can to help!
Posted by Marko 21st July, 2008
Rated :

Oh, and if you need motivation, you only have to look at how many people have downloaded this file to see that it appealed to alot of people!!
Posted by James Luke 22nd July, 2008

i plase the bullets next 2 the barel but it goes back to the center. its hapened sinse the update.
Posted by Mkingy 22nd July, 2008
Rated :

Honestly, i actually enjoyed the game.

However, there are couple of vital bugs need fixing up.

1) EDIT: lol you explained that well i was writing this big chunk Image.gif" border=0 alt="">

2) I noticed the cactus were going over the background of the information in the top left.

3) As mentioned before, animations are a must and do what codemonkey said about the music Image

As for improvements:

WASD and Arrow key movement [user be able to decide] I find WASD alot more natual due to playing COD alot, but other people have other preferences. You should allow the user to use both/either.

More intelligent enemies. Perhaps make them chase you or perhaps runaway if they're on low health.

More missions; and make them varied in thier objectives.

Try to develop objectives as the level progresses. I died instantly on the ambush mission first time cause i had no time to move my mouse from the start button to the enemies. Maybe i'm just abit slow lol.

Was a fun, albeit short, game. Looking forward to the sequal.
Comment edited by Mkingy on 7/22/2008
Comment edited by Mkingy on 7/22/2008
Posted by Mr_Tom 22nd July, 2008
Rated :

i know the guy who made this game and he looks just like the dude on the title screen.
Posted by Marko 22nd July, 2008
Rated :

That is a cool little fact. I just hope he doesn't see these negative/non positive remarks as disheartening coz there is so much he can get out of this game with some more work.
Posted by Mkingy 22nd July, 2008
Rated :

Yeah it certainly has potential. Keep at it
Posted by Mr_Tom 22nd July, 2008
Rated :

come on. It deserves at least 2 stars just for the name.
Posted by James Luke 22nd July, 2008

its not that i just wish it had a beter rating than Towers in the air old platform game becas i hated that game and tryed to draw my own grafics and everything in an attempt to do beter

mabe you like platformers more
Posted by Mkingy 23rd July, 2008
Rated :

He deserves 2 stars cause its not a bad game.
Posted by Norbert 5th December, 2008
Rated :

Hey, nice game there.
Now please do me a favour, can you please send me the source of this game? Im new at Multimedia Fusion and this engine would be very helpfull to me, i could learn new stuff from it (not steal, learn). I promise i wouldnt give it to anyone else or publish it in any way. I know u can hardly belive me, and there is no way of trusting me, but i am a good guy and i keep promises (or however u say it ). Pleaaase?
Posted by joosep 13th May, 2009

How To Make a GAMe
Posted by Codemonkey 18th August, 2009

How the heck did this get so many downloads?
Posted by canavaro99 12th December, 2009
Rated :

NICE GAME!! make a tutorial plzz
Posted by Jordan David Evans 11th July, 2015
Rated :

Posted by Ilarion 11th July, 2015

Guys, James Luke didn't make this game.
3kliksphilip did. He revealed it on youtube. You can download his collection with all the games in it. Including this game and the sequel.
Posted by 3345 3rd April, 2018

"The Game was made by me"






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