The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Real Time Strategy ::. Road Rage

Road Rage
Author: James Luke Submitted: 25th February, 2009 Favourites:0
Genre: Real Time Strategy Downloads: 298

Hello this is a game about a car which has got to get to its desintation but unfortunately there are lots of witches in the way and he must jump over them and collect stars to go faster towards the destination. It took me a hole evening to make. I didnt make the music

The game is very simple and you only have to press spacebar at the right time to avoid the witches but look out! because you could jump to get a star but then oh no a witch could come and get you and you could die. The car has 4 different colors and it will be different every time you play as it is all randomly generated so there is a lot of replay value to this game. You must get to 500 to complete level 1 and 1000 to complete level 2.

have fun please post feedback and what could be improved!

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Posted by Cecilectomy 25th February, 2009
Rated :

ok so there are ALL KINDSA things wrong here.

why is this in the real time strategy genre?

music does not go with the game at all.

why the hell can the car jump (cars dont jump)?

why are there witches (who dont even look like theyre going in the right direction)?

what is the point of the stars other than add to your score?

only 2 levels?

why do you have to get to a certain score to win a level? it should be that you have to win by getting to an ending point so you can try and get a better score.

which brings me to my last point, that no, contrary to your description of the game, there is absolutely NO replayability, because of the last point i just made. once you beat it there's no incentive to play it again. you cant get a higher score cause there is only one score you CAN get. 500 and 1000 for 1st and 2nd level respectively.

please please PLEASE! start taking my advice and actually think about a game before you make it. put some actual time and effort into it, not just churn out some monotonous crap in a single evening that no one will want to even bother with.
Posted by Falcon Eaglehawk 25th February, 2009
Rated :

I like the name but where's the rage? I don't see any rage there...

You didn't notice that there's also many good things in this game. Parallax scrolling, varying backgrounds and even the car changed color at each time you play. Plus, it's addictive (more or less)
Posted by Mr G 25th February, 2009

Doesn't really seem that interesting...

I'll wait for more comments from people inorder to download.
Posted by Mr_Tom 25th February, 2009
Rated :

well i think its actually kind of average for a mini game on this site but 2 stars cos its not one of james' best games, he has done better games in the past i believe.
Posted by Cecilectomy 25th February, 2009
Rated :

@falcon eaglehawk - youre kidding right? that is NOT parralax scrolling. the game doesnt EVEN scroll. its just a few repeated moving backgrounds at varying speeds. some of the easiest sh*t to pull off. and i did notice. it wasnt worth mentioning.

so he changed the color pallete for the second level. that makes it all better?

having a good looking game means nothing when the game is severely flawed
Posted by 3kliksphilip 25th February, 2009
Rated :

'its just a few repeated moving backgrounds at varying speeds'

Isn't that what parallax mapping is?

It's interesting to note that you don't have any sort of parallax scrolling in ANY of your games.

James Luke, follow his advice and don't include parallax scrolling. If it isn't in the game then people don't criticise it. Stick to making games like stickman adventure, it's getting more publicity than yours any way.
Posted by Cecilectomy 25th February, 2009
Rated :

no that is not what parralax is. its backgrounds or backdrops or objects in the background that move at different speeds than the foreground as the screen scrolls to give the appearance that things in the background actually ARE farther away.

and what does me not having parralax in any of my games have to do with anything. besides the fact that none of them require it (abandoned top down shooter engine, a few tile puzzle games, and all my old crap)

i didnt have a problem with the backgrounds. i didnt even mention them. and i never told him to not include them. they just arent special and dont add anything to the game.

what is your problem is phillip.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 26th February, 2009
Rated :

'its just a few repeated moving backgrounds at varying speeds'

'no that is not what parralax is. its backgrounds or backdrops or objects in the background that move at different speeds than the foreground as the screen scrolls to give the appearance that things in the background actually ARE farther away.'

Sounds the same to me.

I know, tell James Luke what he can improve upon because at the moment he's made a game from SCRATCH (Apart from the music which he borrowed from me, because of the horrible criticism he got from making his own music (mainly from me)) and people are tearing him to shreds about it.





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