The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Dragons

Author: James Luke Submitted: 10th September, 2008 Favourites:1
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 227
196th Place     (2.5 / 5)

Dragons is a very basic concept, whereby 3 humans run around on the top of a platform which is slowly destroyed by the raging dragon below. The winner is the last person standing.

This game is up to 2 players large, the third is a very advanced bot.

I spent a lot of time on the physics and hope that you enjoy it. It is a very simple but catchy game and the platform controls make it easy to evade danger even when all hope is lost. This game was inspired by an old game on the Daily Click, I can't remember the name of it at the moment.

There's a handicap for player 2 in that she can ride the dragon should she fall onto its back.

Thanks to my sister for playtesting it with me and for suggesting all opf the features added to it. The graphics isn't the best but that's because she helped me with it. Oh and thanks to my brother for playtesting and coding the game.

Review This Download (441 kb )

Posted by BeefCake! 11th September, 2008
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Great Idea, you could definitely build on this
Posted by 緑葉 11th September, 2008

family reunion for a game, eh?
Posted by -Finn- 12th September, 2008
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hey philip, does your grandma did something? or this is another lie...
Comment edited by -Finn- on 9/12/2008
Posted by James Luke 12th September, 2008

Posted by -Finn- 12th September, 2008
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u know what i mean, i know you are bro started a game with "James Luke" but actually he has ur MSN lol...u have 18 years old man, dunno why u doing this. anyway good luck!
Posted by Marko 12th September, 2008
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I'll tell you what i like about this game - it has alot of potential going for it! The whole concept of survival (and it's proper survival since your only weapon is escape!) is pretty much unique on TDC and is a refreshing change from platformers and shooters (though they are all fine games too).

What would i like to see? I think it would benefit from a good looking front end and a bit more presentation. The dragon AI was very similar to bouncing ball movement too, which was the right movement to use but felt too much like a dragon-shaped ball. The option to play with just 1 or 2 players would be good too. Finally, fleshing the whole game out with different themed levels, maybe some kind of boss battles and a story to boot would complete this game for me!

Overall, nice effort - expand on it maaaaaaaaaan!!
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 12th September, 2008
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Tried it out and really liked the concept, but the dragon is a little too intense/chaotic. I think it would be even more thrilling with the suspense of waiting for the dragon.

And Finn, what are you on about? Neither you nor your brother should hassle people about giving out false information.
Posted by BeefCake! 13th September, 2008
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Finn i don't think comments like that should be made on the message board!
Posted by -Finn- 13th September, 2008
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ain't giving out false info EE, and sry but no body got insulted here. so slow down all
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 13th September, 2008
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I was talking about your overall attitude and your brothers fake account.
Posted by -Finn- 13th September, 2008
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u gotta admit that my attitude doesn't have something bad right now if i was an idiot i would start to flame shit and others. anyway take care, as u see, no body cares about this
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 13th September, 2008
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It's not specifically this page I'm referring to, you have a demeaning way against others, overall. I for one dislike that kind of behaviour, and I will point that out every single time I see it fit. Nothing more. So you see, I'm not trying to call attention to things, I'm doing what I believe is the right thing to do.
Posted by -Finn- 14th September, 2008
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lemme tell u something: how about making a fake account, and post a bad game. then u sign on with EE acc, and u start to say: this guy is a retard. and his game sux.

thats the thing that 3kliksphilip made. anyway, my behavior isn't bad at all. not anymore...u think i have time to live in a community?

got more things to do in real life...after i'll finish them, i may come and act like an idiot.

take care...
Posted by 3kliksphilip 14th September, 2008
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Finn even if I had a fake account it would still benefit this community than all of your accounts put together.
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 14th September, 2008
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First of, I wasn't talking about him, I was talking about you. And yes, I think all fake accounts are equally wrong, but people can leave different impressions. Mr.3Kp hasn't left a bad one in me, you have though.

I've said what I wanted, so I'll leave James Luke's download comments alone now.
Posted by traugott.simon 14th September, 2008

I wonder if Finn, 3kliksphilip and eternal entertainment are the same person and he likes to argue with himself....... There MUST be a cure for this kind of illness.......
Posted by 3kliksphilip 14th September, 2008
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Yes, you've found me out... Finn is my fake account!
Posted by Mr_Tom 14th September, 2008
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am i Finn too?
Posted by Mr_Tom 14th September, 2008
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but if i'm you, who is me? .. you?
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 14th September, 2008
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You are just a fiction of the only persons imagination...

And no, I would glue my fingers together before even considering making a fake account. So if you spot something like this in the forums;

hji tjhiosd isd merd!" i am, mnew hgere!Q

then it's probably me and my fake account... o_O
Posted by erghhhhx 14th September, 2008
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No presentation at all.

Which means, I didnt have a clue about the controls.
And why have handicap for one player? That just seems stupid.

I liked the graphics, that's about it.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 14th September, 2008
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No, Mr Tom. I... am your FATHER. And brother, just to confuse matters.
Posted by Rocketron 15th September, 2008
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It's fullscreen
Posted by wario 15th September, 2008
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wtf ppl stop trolling >.< ur hurting my feelings !! haha

great game btw, i think u can go really far with this, mate ;D
Posted by TreeHugger 15th September, 2008
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I like how if you can manage to land on the dragon you can take control of it. Pretty cool!
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 15th September, 2008
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Rocketron, why did you rate 0 stars? You really should explain why rate it so low.
Posted by BeefCake! 16th September, 2008
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Posted by 3kliksphilip 17th September, 2008
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Um... exactly. Which is far more than most games on this site are.
Posted by Mr_Tom 17th September, 2008
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its fun, original.. almost, yes better than a lot of stuff here.
Posted by BeefCake! 18th September, 2008
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