The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Zombie Pwner

Zombie Pwner
Author: James Luke Submitted: 12th November, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 326
188th Place     (3 / 5)

Hi I made this game for the competiton on game bilder but I didnt finish it in time, so I'm releasing it here first because they don't seem to like my games over there

This game is an above view shooter with 360 degree shooting, 3 wepons, and loads of zombys. I was inspired by 28 weeks later and youll find yourself up to your kneck in zombys if you dont stop them quickly. Sometimes youll be lucky but other times you will be faced with hundreds of them all wanting to kill you!!!

WASD to move round
123 to change wepons
mouse button to fire

There is also a sandbox editor so you can choose to have loads of wepon ammo and amillion zombys if you like!

Please rate and comment, i want to know what you guys like and dont like. i cant make complex games but i think its more fun to shoot hundreds of zombys any way.

-James Luke

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Posted by 3kliksphilip 12th November, 2008

Not bad! I gave him a hand with this game, did the music and stuff... but the concept was his and it's actually rather fun to play. I can't complete the game because of its random nature, but it's a quick blast. WARNING: 2000 enemies begins to slow down computers.

There are 15 levels within the campaign.
Posted by Cecilectomy 12th November, 2008
Rated :

eh. it was fun for a few minutes. but the gameplay was too bland and so were the graphics.

i really didnt enjoy the blood. it looked like ms paint spraycan.

good effort though.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 12th November, 2008

Wait... you give Jeff Pwns double the score? Why?
Posted by Mr_Tom 12th November, 2008
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well his reasons were 'bland gameplay and graphics'... so obviously Jeff Pwns beats this game in those areas hands down!
Posted by Marko 12th November, 2008
Rated :

I liked this game - i got to level 8 on my first go and then it just went nuts! Zombies were absolutely everywhere!! Seriously cool idea and don't be surprised if i borrow this idea for my own game. And i mean that in a complimentary way
Posted by Marko 12th November, 2008
Rated :

Reviewed - great game! I remember rating one of your other games fairly low once (Death Giver) and saying to you that i thought it could be great. Though you have yet to improve upon the Death Giver formula, i think you have underestimated how good this game is. I like it!
Posted by Cecilectomy 13th November, 2008
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"Wait... you give Jeff Pwns double the score? Why?"

because jeff pwns...PWNS! jeffvance in a laser suit = instawin. but seriously it has addictive gameplay, better visuals, better sound/music.

this game was fun, but honestly felt like something made in a day or two. the levels were all the same. just increased difficulty, leaving it more of "arcadey" and not "campaignish". the sandbox mode was what i really enjoyed but the zombies dont turn civilians fast enough. i had 100 civillians and i had to sit there and wait for about 15 zombies other wise i could just kill the zombie and it was over.

it was also riddled with random massive slowdown. and NOT just when there was a lot of enemies on screen.
Posted by Mr_Tom 13th November, 2008
Rated :

i just must not get 'jeff pwns' it seems to me like its one massive joke that the whole community is playing; trying to convince people that such a bad game is brilliant then go 'HAHA you fell for it, we dont REALLY think its good!'.. i can't think of a more feasible explanation.. literally.
Posted by OMC 13th November, 2008

What is with you and Jeff Pwns? Just drop it already.
Posted by sunraider3 14th November, 2008
Rated :

lol pretty good. although i was about to rate it 2 because i though you couldnt turn gore off. but i see you can so i give you 4* i like it. my suggestions would be add 1 more unit: civilian with cure, theres only one on every level and if he touches a zombie it becomes civilian (: it could also be a new game type.) and if you could add a map editor that be sweet to.
Posted by Mr_Tom 14th November, 2008
Rated :

"What is with you and Jeff Pwns? Just drop it already"

what is it with YOU (all of you) and Jeff Pwns?
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 14th November, 2008
Rated :

Nice game!
Fun concept indeed, though it was a bit buggy, especially the collisions and stuff. Wish you had made the levels more mission-based than action-based, but it was fun nonetheless. I too experienced major slowdown at times. I think it is related to the (very massive amounts of) blood littering the scenery. I think it's due to some inactivation bug or something. Because when I tried to do a run n gun through a zombie infested street I noticed that the slowdown occurred when "moving" blood thingies went off-screen before they had stopped. Check into if they are inactivated when outside the visible playfield.

I would really have liked a zombie-radar or something, or a proximity thingie type thing.

(And Jeff Pwns is a very hooking game)
Posted by OMC 14th November, 2008

I didn't even play Jeff Pwns! I don't feel one way or another about it! But comments about Jeff Pwns should stay in Jeff Pwn's comments section. I meant drop it, as in, don't talk about it at all. Not just don't talk about it negatively.
Posted by Mr_Tom 14th November, 2008
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lol ok i'll try not to, its not that game particularly, but thats jut a very recent example where real games are overshadowed by quickly made joke games. It discourages people to bother to make decent games as they will think 'well, whats the point of putting effort in if people are just gonna play games like THAT instead'
Posted by s-m-r 14th November, 2008
Rated :

Pretty enjoyable way to spend a moment or two.

The one thing I wasn't pleased with was that, sometimes, you'd end up right next to the civilian that transformed into a zombie; one quick click, and you complete a level in about 10 seconds or less...

The game also is guilty of that annoying trait of many RTS games, where you have to track down the very last enemy; I found myself circling the map time and time again in order to find the last zombie.

Still, it's fast-paced, you have to pay attention or you're down and out for the count, and you can turn off the gore (which makes the game much easier to look at). And the weapons were well-balanced and effective.

Nice effort, man!
Posted by 3kliksphilip 15th November, 2008

Eternal Man what's your problem? Mr_Tom has a point. Perhaps you can't think of a come back so you have to say to forget the entire thing, I just don't know.
Posted by OMC 15th November, 2008

Oi. >_< I had a feeling you'd drop into this, 3kliksphilip. Let's not ruin the comments section for Mr. Luke, shall we? Once and for all...

Drop it. Please.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 15th November, 2008

OldManClayton please stop stirring up arguements.
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 15th November, 2008
Rated :

Hmm. There is something with this game that eats my cpu, maybe a zombie perhaps? It actually overheats my laptop until it crashes. There has to be something in the code that runs very much when it shouldn't, maybe a fastloop or something that eats cpu?
Posted by OMC 15th November, 2008

I stirred up no argument. Unless you were joking, which seems not to be the case...
Comment edited by OldManClayton on 11/15/2008
Posted by Mr_Tom 15th November, 2008
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yes you are stirring up arguments.. look i'm arguing with you as a result of your previous comments!

oh the irony!.. sorry.
Posted by OMC 15th November, 2008

How funny.

If anything, I was trying to keep an argument from happening by asking for a subject to be dropped. I do not make other people's decisions to argue for them.
Comment edited by OldManClayton on 11/15/2008
Posted by Assault Andy 16th November, 2008
Rated :

Not bad, but it could use more to make it into a "full game" I didn't really understand until the 3rd level or so that I was actually winning the level by killing all the zombies. The frame just jumped and it was slightly confusing.

I hope to see some more zombie games from you later.
Posted by Mkingy 18th November, 2008
Rated :

Straight to the point, fun shooter.

There's not a great deal fancy about the game - but thats what i like about this [and Death Giver]. Solid good fun games.
Posted by Cecilectomy 19th November, 2008
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"lol ok i'll try not to, its not that game particularly, but thats jut a very recent example where real games are overshadowed by quickly made joke games. It discourages people to bother to make decent games as they will think 'well, whats the point of putting effort in if people are just gonna play games like THAT instead'"

jeff pwns was made for a serious tournament competition. it won the round it was made for. and its a fun game ta boot. dont discredit it because its a "joke game". it was more serious than it was a joke in that it was made to win a competition round and it succeeded in doing just that. thats all there is too it.
Posted by Mr_Tom 19th November, 2008
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i didnt like Jeff Pwns because the game was fun, but honestly felt like something made in a day or two. the levels were all the same. just increased difficulty, leaving it more of "arcadey" and not "campaignish".

..bit like this game here by James, except i found this one more fun and original.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 19th November, 2008

Jeff Pwns is obviously better because it's TRYING to be like it is- this game's trying to be Left 4 Dead, but it isn't as good. So this game is obviously worse than Jeff Pwns.
Posted by OMC 19th November, 2008

:| What's wrong with arcadey? And games made in two days?

How is shooting other software less original than killing zombies, the epitomy of cliches in EVERY form of entertainment...?

Nothing against your game, James! Didn't even play it!

GAH! Here we go again. Enough frivolous arguing. ;;
Posted by Mr_Tom 19th November, 2008
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there isn't anything wrong with those points.. if you look back to Cecils second post, i copied and pasted from there. I just replaced 'zombie pwner' for 'jeff pwns' since those criticism seem to apply to both.
Posted by OMC 20th November, 2008

And my questions still stand.

WAIT NO! No they don't. I don't like arguing, let's just drop it. :|
Posted by Cecilectomy 20th November, 2008
Rated :

"i didnt like Jeff Pwns because the game was fun, but honestly felt like something made in a day or two. the levels were all the same. just increased difficulty, leaving it more of "arcadey" and not "campaignish".

..bit like this game here by James, except i found this one more fun and original. "

you cant cut and paste an argument mr tom. it held true for this game but not for jeff pwns. not only does jeff pwns not HAVE any levels but its SUPPOSED to be "arcadey". which is NOT a bit like this game which is SUPPOSED to have levels and be "campaignish" which it FAILS to do. every campaign level is the same. kill zombies kill zombies kill zombies. theres just more each level.

effort and time means absolutely NOTHING in how fun a game is. they both feel like they were made in a couple of days. jeff pwns is just more well made.

if you like short run n guns then jeff pwns shouldnt dissapoint you. if you dont, just say you dont. dont come up with all these reasons for why ths game is better. jeff pwns succeeds at what it does, this game while well thought out and made does not.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 20th November, 2008

"Jeff pwns is SUPPOSED to be rubbish and it succeeds at it but this game is SUPPOSED to be good and it fails at it!'

Why is Zombie Pwner supposed to be a campaign? It's more of an arcade game which increases with difficulty every round.

OldManClayton, you've posted on this page 7 times and haven't downloaded the game. Not that I'm trying to force you to play it, but REALLY... who uses this website to talk and not to play games? That's like, the worst of both worlds. Have a bit of fun in your life!

...And play Jeff Pwns whilst you're at it
Posted by Mr_Tom 20th November, 2008
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i think Zombie Pwner is a short run arcadey game (it just doesn't use low quality sound effects)
Posted by Cecilectomy 21st November, 2008
Rated :

stop with the copy pasta!

"Why is Zombie Pwner supposed to be a campaign?"

oh i dont know, maybe cause the big "campaign" button?
Posted by Mr_Tom 21st November, 2008
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So if Jeff Pwns had the word 'campaign' on the menu but was exactly the same in every other respect would you give it 2 stars?
Posted by Mr_Tom 24th November, 2008
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IF you're gonna say 'DROP IT' you can't then proceed to make more arguments on the point, that implies that you DON'T want to drop it.. oh or do you just want US to drop it so that you can continue to say anything unchallenged. I thought everyone HAD stopped talking about this until Cecil started going on about it again. If you don't want to talk about it then DON'T! but i DO want to talk about it, hence anyone who talks to me about it WILL get a reply. You obviously want to since you're always here.
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 24th November, 2008
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I didn't "proceed to make arguments on the point", I proceeded in trying to understand why you and 3kP are oh so bitter. All your playing the roll of misunderstood artists come of as VERY arrogant. But in order not to fuel the misunderstood machine I'll gladly remove my posts.
Posted by SyKo 13th December, 2008
Rated :

Nice concept dude. Love the fact that civilians get infected and its random as to how many u have to kill. On one level i only had to take out the one zombie before moving on. Alas, with abit more depth you could be onto something here.

Oh, and sort out the blood!






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