The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Unrelenting 2 Stonehenge

Unrelenting 2: Stonehenge
Author: Willy C Submitted: 16th January, 2005 Favourites:1
Genre: Action Downloads: 569

Edited By Joshtek on 03/02/2025

Edited By Willy C on 11/8/2007

Edited By Willy Wanker (Monkey Business) on 9/28/2005

Unrelenting 2: Stonehenge
I know there are some peapules that was waiting for this game, so I am sorry the game took so long and the deadline was skipped time and time again. (the original release date should have been summer 2004)

And very special thanks to Phizzy who helped me alot the last few weeks with some coding errors and adding some fanart!, and thanks to Max and Joe - Scorpion for hosting my files. Anyway, for thoose who havnt heard about this game - read this stuff:

In a distant future onboard a transport ship called the Nexus which is transporting plutonium to a classefied planet. This is not the first time Logan Goodwin is transporting plutonium to this planet, but today is the first time he's commanding officers ask him to increese the plutonium cargo, and it is on this day the ship is being hijacked by terrorists. How did they know the cargo was increesed? Who are theese terrorists? And Whats on this planet?And why do they need the plutonium? Logan Goodwin is left in the dark, today is the day he is going to find it all out.

Unrelenting is a top down shooter controlled with the key board and mouse aiming. In this game you can’t survive without your computer controlled team mates or stealthing through the different levels when you find yourself all alone. The story is unique and very complicated, I did my best to tell it right in the game - hopefully you will understand it.

Dont worry if you havnt played Unrelenting (part 1) This new version includes the same levels with better grapichs, coding improvment and this time its not devided into parts, this download is the full game, both the remastered part 1 and the new part 2 is included!

Technical info
- 1 player game
- Over 1 hour of game play (this is when I beat the game without dying)
- Improved save file (basically just a some normal ini save stuff)
- 6 weapons: pistol, Shotgun, Automatic, guided missiles, flamethrower, grenades
- And more…

the ini is un-encrypted, so you are welcomed to cheat as much as you like!

Still not sure if you want to download? Then whatch this 4min trailer (it is 3 months old and a bit outdated....) link here:

Oh and one more thing. The training level is very buggy, so if you arnt able to clear the training I've made it skippable. If you choose to skip it you better read the readme file and check the controls.

Edit: reuploaded the screenshots and download file

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This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (51)
Posted by Willy C 16th January, 2005

too bad. the trailer is ment for thoose with faster connection so they can watch it in their explorer without installing the game first.
Posted by Jason Orme 16th January, 2005

*downloading* looks chaotic.. looks fun.
Posted by Jason Orme 16th January, 2005

heh, nice, it was downloaded in 1min.
Posted by Willy C 16th January, 2005

too bad you dont like it. what dont you like? Maybe I can fix it, or remember it when I make another game.
Posted by Hill Gigas 16th January, 2005

lol Willy, I saw your FIRST response ;) Excellent game btw.
Posted by Joe.H 16th January, 2005

i too saw his comment (seeing as it was before mine :p)
Posted by Joey Drasal 16th January, 2005

This game is mostly well is awsome. NICE JOB!!!
Posted by Jason Orme 16th January, 2005

I can tell alot of effort went into this game, nice job!
Posted by Silveraura 16th January, 2005

4 months old & a bit out dated. X-D Downloading, 10MB isnt that bad, looks great for a klik game.
Posted by Dr. James MD 16th January, 2005

downloading :) 20 minutes left... tis slow tonight. this looks v.good man
Posted by Deathbringer 16th January, 2005

Oh come on, i have a 56k using Freeserve, and 10mb takes 1 hour at most..its not exactly huge!
Posted by Dr. James MD 16th January, 2005

no cncs232.dll included :(
Posted by Willy C 16th January, 2005

thanks all! makes it all worth while. doh! Forgot to add the dll file. But I guess you all know what to do with the missing dll. no? - dc mail me
Posted by Dr. James MD 16th January, 2005

still its a very good game. love the area transitions and the music. reminded me a little of Metal Gear Solid on speed
Posted by C.J Workshop. 16th January, 2005

I saw the preview of the game ages ago downloading now
Posted by Cheeky Girl 16th January, 2005

phizzy let me play a bit earlier i wasnt very good but it was fun!
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 16th January, 2005

This = great.
Posted by Nick Heffner 16th January, 2005

why can't i move the dude?..this game sux
Posted by Dr. James MD 16th January, 2005

thats one thing i dont like; the controls! should be a key-save feature so i dont have to keep changing them back
Posted by Willy C 16th January, 2005

The controls are in the readme and in the training. you move with w,a,s,d change them by pressing 'ctrl' + 'y'.
Posted by Willy C 16th January, 2005

isnt that automaticly saved? yea, I could make a control selection instead...
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 16th January, 2005

Awesome Willy, I'm lovin' this game.
Posted by Joe.H 16th January, 2005

haha, you said awesome willy XD
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 16th January, 2005

So did you. Looks great! Downloading...
Posted by Teapot 16th January, 2005

Arrrgh I exceeded my download limit! my download speed has been changed to 28.8kbps! Nooooooo, I want my broadband speed back!
Posted by Teapot 16th January, 2005

I have waited so long, another TWO HOURS shouldn't hurt.
Posted by Teapot 16th January, 2005

It's not even my fault, I got a virus and thus 8bgillion things downloaded to my computer. But, does optus listen? No! Does optus care? NO! 13%
Posted by Noyb 17th January, 2005

Reviewed! The game's very fun, but here's some more bugs I found that I didn't put in the review: During the first boss fight, my troops killed him, and I talked to him, but when I walked back to where he was, he kept repeating the same last line, and I couldn't walk away. Also, in the level "Laurence," during the first fighting area, it kept automatically switching me back to the pistol. {ponder}
Posted by Teapot 17th January, 2005

Arrgh I'll have to wait till next month to get this!
Posted by Teapot 17th January, 2005

ok, I'm going to use Tigerworks' download resumer.
Posted by Willy C 17th January, 2005

appriciate the comments! two great reviews as well, yay. I dunno how that pistol switching bug got there - it has the same code as any other of the levels, I know what you mean though.
Posted by Tauman 18th January, 2005

Nice game but....GAH! Can't handle the horrable spellng errers.
Posted by Faithtoken 18th January, 2005

I have this problem that when in the second screen of fighting (act2) the camera jumps to a room to the left, and then I die...
Posted by Willy C 18th January, 2005

the screen jumps to the upper left corner when you die.Are you sure you didn just die.
Posted by BeamSplashX 18th January, 2005

Stealth... so... juicy...
Posted by Tauman 18th January, 2005

@Phizzy: amor=8 shutgun yes/no=1 granades=4 Along with corresponding errors in game.
Posted by Joey Drasal 18th January, 2005

U should make a patch or a new version fixing some of those annoying bugs.
Posted by Zi-Xiao 18th January, 2005

I haven't gotten very far into the game yet but is there actually a point in the game where hiding bodies is useful/mandatory?
Posted by Willy C 20th January, 2005

What I wanted to use in this game was a combo of stealth and action. When you are without teammates you are supposed to stealth, if you are detected you have to hide so you should hide bodies. There is even a level where you have to steath with a civilian which you have to protect. But when you are with team mates you are allowed to just kill everything. The reason it is like is becouse the game isnt just one level, it takes about an hour to clear it all and the game need variation. thanks again for all the comments
Posted by Adam Goodman 21st January, 2005

looks great - lets see how it plays....
Posted by Weston L 22nd January, 2005

so violent....
Posted by Per Otto 23rd January, 2005

This game is cool, I hope it wins over "splinter cell" or whatever that other games is called...I played your game monkeyman, and i LOVE the story, so Good.:)
Posted by asdas 23rd January, 2005

Man the music in this is so good ^^ you dont mind giving it out.. right XD? just kidding, really like it though, and the whole game of course.
Posted by Tallas 23rd January, 2005

This game is fine except for the god damn bugs. Ill walk through a door and Il teleport into a wall beside it, the letter R will stay there after im done talking. When I die the bullet that killed me flioes across the level.
Posted by Willy C 23rd January, 2005

Thanks guys. I really could use some help winning the GOTW, so be sure to vote for me if you like the game. I really dont like loosing to a game made in 4 days
Posted by Dr. James MD 24th January, 2005

this deserves GOTW for sure
Posted by Per Otto 24th January, 2005

yea I agree to that Jay
Posted by Zi-Xiao 24th January, 2005

"Thanks guys. I really could use some help winning the GOTW, so be sure to vote for me if you like the game. I really dont like loosing to a game made in 4 days." Jesus Christ Willy ... Grow up. What if I told you I made the game in 4 months instead? Would you then be justified to lose?
Posted by roger wilco 15th April, 2005

Posted by Willy C 21st April, 2005

glad you like it! and that peoples are still downloading it. :)






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