The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. Tops tester

Tops tester
Author: AndyUK Submitted: 23rd May, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 373

I play some old games of mine a few days ago. After playing them a bit i realised how bad they were. I knew there were good games somewhere in the mess of unorganized events and midi music from What if I had made them now rather than back in 2001.

So why not I thought? I ripped the events out of my Buzz the squirrel 2 gam file and put in some Tops the pig 2 graphics in there with a few sounds and a Mod, hey presto you have a Tops the pig remake demo.

This plays similar to the other Tops the pig games (since it's a remake and all).

Your main attack is to Literally throw a punch at the enemies, you will need to find a powerup first. There is also a heart powerup so you wont die instantly when touched.


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Posted by Knudde (Shab) 23rd May, 2005

this game lagged my system bad, and I have no idea why. It wasn't choppy at all, but the time between pressing buttons and seeing the results got REALLY long if I just kept keys pressed.
Posted by AndyUK 23rd May, 2005

Ok i will try to sort it out...
Posted by AndyUK 23rd May, 2005

Well I think it may be to do with the Dmc2 and normal sound effects conflicting, my pc messes up with sounds sometimes so I disable them. also i sorted out a bug where you dont die after losing your heart sheild.
Posted by Ski 23rd May, 2005

a good engine and funky music, i really like that music, did you make it?
Posted by AndyUK 23rd May, 2005

Nope, Ive never made any music.
Posted by Ski 23rd May, 2005

ooops sorry didnt read the bit about the midis! but hey, its still cool music!
Posted by AndyUK 23rd May, 2005

That isn't a midi, its a module. Just some random tune from
Posted by Jason Dudie 23rd May, 2005

the graphics on this game are pretty basic, but i enjoyed it nonetheless. The gameplay is simple and entertaining for a quick pick me up.
Posted by Airflow 26th May, 2005

Hmmm... I liked no 3. d'l'ing...
Posted by Airflow 31st May, 2005

Yeah, that was fun. :) Your earlier ones were better with presentation though. (They had title screens and stuff.)





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