The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Engine ::. Zoomalacious utility pack

Zoomalacious utility pack
Author: Bibin Submitted: 5th March, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Engine Downloads: 681

Edited By Bibin on 6/8/2007

Edited By Bibin on 3/9/2007

This is a small MMF2 example that shows how to zoom in on the playfield without actually scaling any objects or scrolling the playfield.

You'll need to either install the Viewport object yourself, or just drag the two folders inside the Extendersions folder I've provied into your MMF2 folder.


Arrows - pan the field
WSAD - move thingy guy
+ and - - scale the playfield
X - auto zoom out
space - center pan

Also included are four bonus programs I've made.

Wii Remember - A simple, schexy program that remembers wii codes for you and autosaves them.

Beep - Lets you beep the internal speaker at any frequency it's capable of.

DNATG!Ed2 - the level editor I used for Definetly Not A Tanooji Game! The levels that the game uses are in a hidden folder, so you'll want to enable "Show hidden Files and FOlders" from Folder Options first.

MouseJiggle - a stupid little obnoxious background program that jiggles the mouse a tiny bit. Fun to put on your "friend"'s computer while he's duecing in the restroom.

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Posted by Pkeod 7th March, 2007

Closing mousejiggle.exe does not stop the jiggle T__T lol
Posted by Pkeod 7th March, 2007

I see.. stdrt.exe must also be closed
Posted by DaVince 8th March, 2007

Haha... I like the jiggle thing.
Posted by Bibin 8th March, 2007

...Anything on the zoom example?
Posted by Disthron 17th March, 2007

I am so going to use the zoom feature in my game! Once I figure out how to make the focus follow the player properly.
In the game you are a city stomping monster. But you start off normal sized and grow as you gian power. This will be awsome for showing the creature growing!
Posted by Bibin 17th March, 2007

Hmm, I don't think it's a good idea for that. Use MMF2's built in scale function instead.
Posted by Zethell 20th March, 2007

Posted by No 22nd March, 2007

Another reason i wish i got MMF2 instead of TGF2: Extensions
Posted by Adam Scheer 15th August, 2013

Can you repair the broken download links?





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