The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Meeko Arrangement

Meeko Arrangement
Author: Bibin Submitted: 23rd September, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 318

Edited By Moffitt (bibin) on 9/23/2008

I found this game on my old HDD, and realised that it somehow got removed from my account - this is one of the few old games I don't feel embarassed about that I made in TGF

Meeko Arrangement! This is a sequel to my older game Meeko Bubblejump, but the objective is mostly the same.

You play as this odd little orange thing called Meeko with goggles. You have to cross the gap by jumping on bubbles. Using left and right you can jump across one bubble's width, and use up and down to hop up and down.

If your charge meter is full (the orange bar at the top), you can hold shift while hopping to go twice as far.

You will complete one level by reaching the platform on the right. Don't overjump it; you'll get bounced back by a poorly drawn jellyfish.

At some level or another a horribly drawn shark will occasionally come in and pop a few bubbles. Also, don't let the bubbles smash you into the spikes, and don't fall down to the bottom!

Enjoy, I guess.

Review This Download (6.31 mkb )

Posted by erghhhhx 28th September, 2008
Rated :

Pleasant game.

Though the "randomness" of the bubbles makes it too hard. Much too hard.

Huh: I just read the "hold-shift-to-jump-further"-thing on this site. It didn't say so in game!
Posted by s-m-r 30th September, 2008
Rated :

The only thing I didn't like was that sometimes when attempting to jump forward, if a bubble was just a bit higher than you, you'd end up jumping up instead of across...This led to many accidental deaths.

Otherwise, it's a superb casual game that looks very cute and is easy to play! I come back to it on occasion to spend a bit of time and test my reflexes.





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