Edited By MJK on 1/21/2009
Ok, couple of things first:
1) This game is weird. You just have to sit, watch, wait and then click few times. There isn't much action, just bumps basically.
2) This game is lot about luck, like gambling usually is.
What you must do is to observe the five green balls floating around the screen and predict their future movement lines and collisions. Each of them has a lifetime which is reseted every time they collide with each other. The game generates 15 gambles based on these lifetimes and your target is to invest money on them and - of course - win! At the start you have 2000 euros, but in the end you can be even a million richer! Some gambles are quite obvious and have low multipliers, but others are much more risky with high multipliers.
A game can't be easier to play than this. BUT: to be able to truly master it, player must analyze all kind of information about the environment, like estimated bump times, risk zones, immortality area forecasts and all sorts of crazy stuff like that.
There is an online highscoreboard of course and then a special Club Million for all the freaks who can win over 1.000.000 euros in the game. Good luck with that!
EDIT/Update Jan 21/2009: New version 2.09 available, fixes online highscore board and adjust a couple of smaller things
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 http://www.mjkgames.com/GBG209.zip (3179kb )