The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Role Playing Game ::. Gridquest

Author: Pixelthief Submitted: 26th May, 2008 Favourites:4
Genre: Role Playing Game Downloads: 780
115th Place     (4.17 / 5)
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Pixelthief on 5/26/2008

Gridquest is an epic sprawling action/RPG in the vein of Diablo and Rogue, at the same time! Controlling a hero across snow drifts, islands, castles, rivers of blood, ancient crypts and everything inbetween, this game boasts not mindless combat and character grind, but devilish puzzles and mazes to boot. Created entirely in TGF, the engine handles some 80 different monster types, with 20 unique spells and a "Diablo-Style" inventory system with 3000 different possible items. Furthermore, many dungeons are randomly generated, and the all-powerful save/load system allows you to save your progress ANYWHERE and load it from that exact spot, even in the middle of a largescale battle! (Though maybe not boss rooms, for some balance concerns ). A real-time "pseudo-lighting" system makes exploring caves with naught but a lantern a daunting task, and modular .INI loading levels mean anyone can create their own as they see fit. Playable entirely with either the keyboard or mouse, Gridquest offers up solid controls that should be intuitive to anyone familiar with the genre and easy for the rest to pick up. And as icing on the cake, the entire game was produced in TGF, and will be released completely open-source!

Worth hours of gameplay and high replayability, Gridquest is one of those truly epic scaled Click games. Give a click on that old download button; its definitely worth it. And feel free to distribute it FREELY anywhere else on the web.

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This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (89)
Posted by Neuro 28th May, 2008

So far I've done this Dark Forest with Sturdy Leathers, a Buckler of Health and my trusty stick! Also, 2 tomes of darkness and a tome of earth. I want to get further but I have extremely high game-making motivation at the moment! Must. Finish. PROJECT!
Posted by Beau 28th May, 2008

Um...My shield is the worst of the things I have. My sword is something like "The Dark Great Sword of Evil" my armor is one of the special items like "Evilnedia"...better than my old Hate Mail anyway, and I just have a Great Dark Shield. I don't have the game in front of me to check, but I'm pretty much invincible. I want side quests that are like FFXII and much harder than the last boss. The blood tower was intriguing, but I wanted to kill myself after falling the 100th time.
Posted by Pixelthief 28th May, 2008

Yeah I think making liberal use of the save/load system makes the blood tower a bit easier There is indeed a super secret area with bosses tougher then the final one, but its fairly well hidden inside the Darkfrost Islands. You gotta do a bit of thinking on how you get to it
Posted by Beau 28th May, 2008

meh. that'd feel like cheating. Especially since there are warp gates and everything.
Posted by [EclektiK] 28th May, 2008
Rated :


I remember playing the Beta Image

Comment edited by .:Eclektik:. on 5/29/2008
Posted by Fragasnap 28th May, 2008

Dang, I must be doing something wrong, I'm level 32 and I still have only found two warps to Rune Cave!

Any chance I could be told where I'm supposed to go after the castle?
Posted by Roman-the-evil 28th May, 2008
Rated :

I liked the game, but I have a complaint =/ may be it just me, considering that I'm used to play Diablo on Hell difficulty setting, this game is too easy for me. Every area I go through, every boss I end up killing, my life does not drop below 3/4. Monsters barely hit me and most of the time they do no damage. It would be great if you would add difficulty levels to add some challenge to the game D=. I really liked the puzzles though.
Posted by Muz 29th May, 2008

Lol, if you play Diablo on Hell setting, you should be playing roguelikes for a challenge
Posted by s-m-r 29th May, 2008

Running it in Windows 95 compatibility mode, and whenever I attempt to start a new game, input locks up on the "enter a name" screen.

Has anyone else encountered this? Should I just wait for a blinking cursor to appear or something?

EDIT: I attempted this a few more times, and eventually the game started after I pressed CTRL+ALT+DELETE and jumped back into the game from the Task Manager. When the game started, my character's name was one long nonsensical word.

Perhaps the display was distorted or didn't display correctly for some reason? I suspect this has something to do with compatibility mode behaving badly.

But I found a Stick +1 and bought some studded leather armour.
Comment edited by s-m-r on 5/30/2008
Posted by Del Duio 30th May, 2008

better than my old Hate Mail anyway

Hahaha, "hate mail" instead of plate mail. That's gotta be worth +1 to the star rating I'd say.
Posted by AndyUK 30th May, 2008
Rated :

Ive had several quick goes so far and i'm sure you would be pleased to know it's not crashed once yet.
Posted by Pixelthief 30th May, 2008

Thats really odd with the crash, smr. The only thing different about that part of the game is its the only instance of an "Edit Box" object in the whole game, and iirc edit boxes are a hardcoded with some windows thingy.
Posted by Harvy 30th May, 2008
Rated :

I'm using Aegis, which is better than a Dark Shield
Auric Full Plate +3, and a plain old Great Sword (though for a while I was using Glephnir, or something like that)
at lv. 35 my stats are:
4280 HP / 2875 MP
144-252 dmg., 41 armor and 90% blocking. I think blocking maxes out at 90% or I would be higher, esp. with some of the nifty armor/weapons I found.
I found some crazy side quests (this is my second play-through), but I only just now discovered the book shop! I had maxed red, blue and black magic but was only 1 spell in green and white. Needless to say I used my 100,000 silver to by books. That's another thing, that silver is *extremely* plentiful, and levels come easily, which puts the game on the easier end of Gauntlet genre. But still way fun. A "hard" or "nightmare" mode might be appropriate, where everything is way expensive (XP and gold).

Nothing can survive my onslaught... I cast 3x white 4, 1x green levels 3 & 4, then use teleport to warp around and crush everything or continuous red 4 for dramatic effect Bosses last about 5 seconds.

Posted by Pixelthief 31st May, 2008

Heh, I don't like to spoil the fun of discovery for those who like adventuring through and figuring it out on their own, but I'd say nearly 60% of the levels are hidden in this game.

Theres some neat puzzles and battles underneath the graveyard, which I hope is hidden in plain sight well enough, and TWO hidden dungeons in the middle of the lake in southfield; one traveling through the bridges up to the veggiemancer, and the other one is extremely well hidden in the Darkfrost Islands leading to a rather obnoxious hidden level, so you'll have to think of a little trickery with those moveable bricks to reach it.

Lastly, since I suppose nobody is going to discover this one on their own; try entering in "RODENTS" on the sphinx's riddle >.< hehehe

Mad props to people who have beaten it; I tinkered alot with game balance, trying to get it right. I think I made leveling up a bit too easy, and the exponential HP jumps up WAY too much.

btw- try exploring south of the town after you've completed the tower; theres a fun little riddle
Posted by Del Duio 31st May, 2008

Damnit, so I finally take this game home and start playing it last night and sure enough it crashes for me after about 10-15 minutes or so. I followed your directions and made it run in Win95 compatibility but still no dice.

I commend you for making a game like this though, it has a very old-school feel to it and reminds me of games I enjoyed a lot growing up as a kid / teen. Although I was only able to get as far as the beginning stick and a buckler, I got a kick out of the enemy description that said he was a kid who turned green from eating his own boogers. Hahahaha!

I can't rate this since I can't play it enough to fairly judge it, but it looks like a winner.
Posted by Pixelthief 31st May, 2008

Hrmm, if you save often enough, crashing shouldn't be more than an inconvienence; it loads the game from the EXACT spot you save. I've seen alot of people saying it crashes a bit right after running the initial "random level generator" sequence, right at the start, but generally not again after that. Perhaps its safer to just save the game immediately off the bat, then close gridquest, restart it, and load the game?
Comment edited by Pixelthief on 5/31/2008
Posted by Del Duio 31st May, 2008

Well, I was able to save well enough, and actually the world generator didn't take half as long as it seems to have for some people above. It'd just crash for no reason that I could see.

I also didn't see any way to properly quit the game. I know if you run it in a window you can just "X" out of it, but the one time I made it full screen that option disappeared. Maybe you should put a quit option somewhere on the save / load screen too?
Posted by Lachie Dazdarian 2nd June, 2008

Didn't play this long enough really, but the first impression are not that good. Rather poor and cumbersome game engine and graphics, but I like the real time battles. Not a fan of turn-based ones.

Then again, the amount of positive comments must count for something. I hope it's not comming from people not playing enough RPGs. So I'll get back to it.

The game loaded quite fast on my PC, and I have an old one. Also, not crashed in 15 minutes I played it.

I like the idea of meeting death after getting killed. Can I do something there?

Also, how do I quit the game?
Posted by erghhhhx 2nd June, 2008
Rated :

Already a classic. =
Posted by Pixelthief 2nd June, 2008

I'll admit I completely overlooked having an "Exit Game" button. I'm a strict adherent to alt-f4'ing whatever I'm playing or pulling the plug on my desktop when it acts up >.>
Posted by Va1entine 4th June, 2008
Rated :

The games look reminds me of Gauntlet!

Posted by alastair john jack 5th June, 2008
Rated :

I'd much rather play this over most Rogue-likes.
Posted by Codemonkey 8th June, 2008
Rated :

This game is acually very entertaining, me and my friend played it for two hours last night straight.
Posted by Chaoz (Tri-Life Gaming) 8th June, 2008
Rated :

Awesome game. It's so cute, i want it for takeout
Posted by Pixelthief 8th June, 2008

I'd kill to put it on a DS
Posted by Jason Orme 9th June, 2008
Rated :

Gonna have to see how this plays on my arcade machine
Posted by Pixelthief 9th June, 2008

My math skills say 2 people voted 0 and deleted their posts :X My observation skills say one of those was on accident, and the other wasn't
Posted by alastair john jack 10th June, 2008
Rated :

You deserved the GOTW!
Posted by 10th June, 2008

damn... it wont work for me... it crashes when it's generating random level
Posted by 10th June, 2008

Died the first time, the second time the game crashed. Should I bother with a third try?
Posted by Pixelthief 10th June, 2008

Try saving the game before you die. Its not Diablo on Hardcore mode, you can save/load an infinite number of times.
Posted by 10th June, 2008

When you die, are you trapped in hell forever?
Posted by Pixelthief 10th June, 2008

Until you load the game, or 100 years, depending on which comes first. Shame nobody buried you with an obolus.
Comment edited by Pixelthief on 6/10/2008
Posted by [EclektiK] 12th June, 2008
Rated :

Hey, are you going to make an official website for the game? I mean, they are so many things in it that an official website could be cool...
Posted by Pixelthief 14th June, 2008

Aye theres tons to be had, and an absurd amount of information strewn through it, like monsters stats and lore and tooltips, but most of those are accessible if you just dig through the INIs

I'm actually considering compiling it into a website, but I'm no great shakes at web design.
Posted by Pixelthief 16th August, 2008

don't be shy with your opinions
Posted by Callebo 21st August, 2008

I really want to test it out, since i thought the demo was great... But when it starts to generate random levels, everything freezes and i have to ctrl+alt+delete :C

Edit: Now it works! kept it loading for about 15 mins
Comment edited by Calle Boström on 8/22/2008
Posted by Pixelthief 23rd August, 2008

If I post it to any other sites, I might make an optional version that has preloaded maps, for people whos computers can't handle that first bit. Seems odd that some people take 5 seconds and some 5 minutes.
Posted by alastair john jack 21st September, 2008
Rated :

Can you port this to MMF?!
Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 21st September, 2008
Rated :

Well Mr. Thief, you really have made an awesome game! ;P It is epic and great! Man how I love it! The only downside is the lack of animations and "movement" between tiles, kinda makes my eyes hurt. I also had to wait for at least 15 minutes before it had generated the levels. That's why I'm so late with my comment!

Well, if it wasn't for the animation thing I'd vote a 5.


Ah to hell with it, this game deserves a 6 in my opinion! Keep up this masterly coding of yours!

Sincerely yours //EE
Posted by [EclektiK] 28th October, 2008
Rated :

Daah... I remember trying the beta and I was so impressed... I guees i'm even more impressed with the full game

critics call it "Awesome" -Marc
"Fantastic" - Marc
"Twi thumbs up" -Marc

are you going to make any other type of games based on the engine?
Posted by Pixelthief 29th October, 2008

I'm refurbishing it and reposting it as Gridquest V2.0, at some point. I'm compiling it in MMF2, as well as creating a strategy-guide-esque thingy, with all the monster/item/level data. It doesn't have any more random crashes, but I'm going to wait until I'm done with the guide before I post the new version
Posted by [EclektiK] 1st November, 2008
Rated :

wOah that sounds fantasic!
Posted by Hill Gigas 7th November, 2008
Rated :

Posted by Codemonkey 9th November, 2008
Rated :

Under rated.
Posted by Pixelthief 9th November, 2008

well I imagine most people got sick of the constant crashing, so maybe when I repost it it will go platinum :~O
Posted by AndyUK 13th November, 2008
Rated :

hmm I agree with Codemonkey.
This is one of those games where sheer technical wizardry and effort make the crashing and the less than amazing graphics minor annoyances rather than reasons to lower the score.
Posted by Pixelthief 13th November, 2008

aye, but its alot more enjoyable without the crashing
Posted by AndyUK 14th November, 2008
Rated :

It never did crash when i played it.
Posted by Pixelthief 19th November, 2008

V2.00 now out, download is the same for either of them >.>






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