The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Leonards Fantastic Adventure

Leonards Fantastic Adventure
Author: Pixelthief Submitted: 4th October, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 378

Edited By Muz on 10/6/2008

Since I got asked to finish my game for Peblo's competition, even though I had barely any time to work on it, I'm releasing it a bit early. Still, I think the engine is fairly impressive: 16 different guns, 5 different enemies, and 2 big bossfights, spread across 10 levels. This is a fast paced shoot em up platforming game.

You play as Leonard, a disaffected green dude who decided to shoot a lot of aliens, especially red ugly sphere shaped ones. Guns include:

Machine Gun
Rocket Launcher
Positron Rifle
Grenade Launcher
Rail Gun

and much much more!
This is for round 4 of Peblo's competition. Something tells me Hempuli's going to win this one

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Posted by viva/volt 4th October, 2008

I lol'd and then got a bit angry .
Posted by Pixelthief 4th October, 2008

...bibin made me do it...
Posted by -Athan- 4th October, 2008

the gfx aren't so good, but always makes pleasure to play your entries
Posted by Hempuli 4th October, 2008
Rated :

I found the robot fetus boss quite hard.
Otherwise great!
Posted by Demon Lizardman 4th October, 2008

AMAZING, you truly are a game maker.
Posted by s-m-r 5th October, 2008

Is anyone else stuck on the repeating intro screens?

Pixelthief, how do I start the actual game?
Posted by Hempuli 5th October, 2008
Rated :

You must shout 'SHOOP DA WHOOP' to your mic to make it begin.
Posted by Toadsanime 5th October, 2008

Am I the only one that thinks the graphics are awesomely unique...?
Posted by s-m-r 6th October, 2008

...I seriously have no idea how to go beyond the opening graphics. They keep repeating. I've not been able to press any keyboard buttons that do anything (other than F2, or CTRL + F4 to exit).

Any help at all? Running in compatibility mode doesn't appear to help.
Posted by erghhhhx 6th October, 2008
Rated :

Very nice game, but level 3 was too hard. =/

Also, neither the Rail Gun or the Howitzer works.

Gotw for sure!

Edit: It's amusing that you actually can vote for this!
Comment edited by Toxic Avenger on 10/6/2008
Posted by Va1entine 6th October, 2008

I don't have a clue either!
Posted by Pixelthief 7th October, 2008

yeah i shoulda said something about the gotw. I thought that the howitzer was only available on level 3 so that you can kill the plutonium dragon a bit easier, especially when the trogdolytes start swarming you- the pistol/smg are just too weak.
Posted by Pixelthief 7th October, 2008

oh and if you were wondering. Bibin threatened he wouldn't post his Hatman game unless I made an entry for the compo too, so I headed him off and obliged.
Posted by erghhhhx 7th October, 2008
Rated :

Well, the screenshot actually look kinda' cool.

Plieaeaaxze make a game out of it?
Posted by s-m-r 8th October, 2008

...I totally bought into it. Color me gullible.
Posted by Aliashoj 8th October, 2008
Rated :

I was amazed when I actually got passed level 4, but the water area after with the giant snakes creates shooting electric in the water were like "WTF!?". AWESOME game.
Posted by Indigo Steel Shield 9th October, 2008

I have the SAME problem as s-m-r. I have NO idea how do you get past the introduction screens and get into the actual game. Cause someone PLEASE tell us how to start the actual game? What do your press? What do you have to do?
Posted by Hempuli 9th October, 2008
Rated :

I already said how to do that earlier. But remember, you must shout it out LOUD!
Posted by lembi2001 9th October, 2008
Rated :

Pure Genius!! The effects on this game arer awesome!! to those of you who can't play it wht gfx cardsdo you have and are the drivers up to date??

Pixelthief you are a god!!
Posted by s-m-r 9th October, 2008

Yeah, I checked the drivers on my video card, did some updates, and now I'm finally up to speed.

The animations for the little red guys were totally quirky and realistic. The snake boss? Too easy. But all around, flawless execution.
Posted by Bricnic 10th October, 2008

I thought about doing something similar. Except maybe having like.. a fatal error occur or something, so that it looks really promising but SADLY is unable to run!
Posted by Pixelthief 10th October, 2008

theres several ways to invoke funky looking fatal errors, like a divide by 0 call and stuff
Posted by Hill Gigas 10th October, 2008

I spent so long trying to start the game. It wasn't until the game said "Now with less fat!" (or something like that) that I realized I was the victim of a cruel cruel joke!





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