The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Engine ::. Asunder - Tech Demo

Asunder - Tech Demo
Author: Pixelthief Submitted: 28th August, 2010 Favourites:2
Genre: Engine Downloads: 342

Edited By Pixelthief on 8/28/2010

This is a full tech demo of the engine created for a pending project codenamed Asunder. This is the evolution of my engine many of you might already recognize- its a 360 degree movement time travelling loopy engine designed with a metroidvania genre game in mind.

I could rattle off the features forever. You can rewind time, you can slow down or speed up time, individual objects, yourself. You can send monsters flying backwards in time with your attack. You can walk around surfaces in 360 degrees, building virtually *any* environment you can imagine. It dynamically loads tilesets and sounds and so on. It has its own scripting commands built in to run scripts both backwards and forwards. It can cure warts if you ask it nicely.

If you want to understand just what it can do, watch it in action!:

Arrow Keys: Move
Shift: Jump
Control: Attack
Enter: Rewind Time
Escape: Menu

For the purposes of the Tech Demo, I've added many other controls you can exploit to disastrous effect. I encourage you to play around with slowing down and speeding up time and seeing what happens! By playing this game, you waive all liability I had for what happens as you approach event horizons at infinite speeds.

Debug Controls:
"+" (plus): Speed Up Time
"-" (minus): Slow Down Time
"L" : Set the Player's speed (to same as above controls)
"X" : Sends the player rewinding for 5 seconds
"O" : Blasts you quickly backwards through time
"P" : Lowers gravity to 30%
"Q" : Executes the "BOSS" script
"Z" : Pops up a dialog displaying the level contents
"H" : Pops up a dialog displaying the current sounds

Before anyone gets any ideas: The graphics, sounds & musics are all placeholders.

Review This Download (7.57 mkb )

Posted by Pixelthief 28th August, 2010

My main purpose in posting this up here right now is twofold. I'd like to both get some feedback on bugs and performance on other machines, as well as figure out the future of this project.

Please, let me know how it ran on your computer. What was your FPS? Did you experience any graphics artifacts, for example around the water in the second screenshot? Did you find any bugs or crashes or whatnot?

But chiefly, this engine is *finished* now. Theres only minor tweaks and extra functionality to add to it now. The time has definitely come to move this puppy into the next stage of development- putting together a team and creating an actual game out of it. And in that regard, I'd like more than anything to hear thoughts on what I should do. I some good ideas of what could be built in vague terms of setting, story, style and so on. I'd love to create a Metroidvania game based on this engine. And I'd very much like to perhaps make this into a commercial project.

I imagine in the coming weeks I'll be posting around in other communities and with those who have already expressed interest, and see what could be done. I'm very serious about making something really good out of this engine- very much perhaps the "Next Big Indie Game".

Until then, leave me with your thoughts and feedback!
Posted by ELC_Games 28th August, 2010

Erm, I'm really looking forward to playing this, but I can't seem to get past the menu. What button do you need to press to advance in the menu? This might be a problem with my computer though, as I had the same problem with A Man With a Monocle
Posted by Sketchy 28th August, 2010

I had the same problem - just mash the keyboard for a few minutes and it will start eventually.
Also, don't press F2 to restart - you won't be able to make it go fullscreen again, and the frame rate will drop loads.
My personal opinion is that it's technically very impressive, but I'm having a hard time imagining it ever becoming a fun game to play (but then I don't like most platformers).
Posted by Pixelthief 28th August, 2010

Thats quite odd. Can you elaborate on whats going on with the menu?
The key to start the game is "Enter". The key to move up and down on the menu is the Up & Down arrows. What is happening when you are pressing these buttons?
And good catch on the F2 button- I forgot to disable it for when you're full screen.

I hotfixed the DL to hopefully remove those issues
Comment edited by Pixelthief on 8/28/2010
Posted by Pixelthief 28th August, 2010

Oh silly me I think I know what your problem is.
I included save game files in the download >_>

You'd have to click "Load Game" instead of "New Game"- or use the left/right keys to switch to a different save slot. I've uploaded another hotfix to remove these save game files
Posted by UrbanMonk 28th August, 2010

Nothing happens at all when I press "enter" on either "new game" or "load game"

"quit game" however works nicely.

I wanted to test this too.
Posted by Pixelthief 28th August, 2010

I might have found a typo in the hotfix I just applied
Try redownloading it, it might work now.
Posted by alastair john jack 29th August, 2010

Ran at fullspeed on my nans bad computer. Seems like it works well. Hopefully it'll be a nice game.
Posted by LoosedHyperion 21st September, 2010

...All I can say is that I want this source, very very badly Extremely polished and pure awesome.
Posted by The Chris Street 22nd November, 2010

You're extremely talented Pixelthief.





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