Baby Ghost Engine Release
Author: | Jon Lambert
Submitted: | 17th July, 2008
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Engine
| Downloads: | 768
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On March 13th, 2006, I submitted a demo of a game called Baby Ghost. While some things were thought nice, there were many criticisms. The primary complaint of the game was that it used the default platform movement. At the time, I hadn't known how to make a custom platform engine in TGF, but I did eventually learn.
On March 21st, 2008, if memory serves, my computer's power supply ceased function, and the motherboard burnt out. Eventually I got a new computer, and just recently, I was inspired to restart work on this game, with a custom platform engine. I started work on this engine on June 1st, 2008. For this game, I've made a platform engine that trumps the default platforming engine at many turns. It runs on 11 active objects, not including the character sprite. The objects are one eight directions object limited to left and right, one bouncing ball object limited to up and down, 3 colliders, 2 objects to prevent sticking in walls, 3 objects used to hug the ground, and 1 object used to detect NPCs.
So what I'm doing here is posting it for feedback, criticisms, anything that can help me improve it. Once I feel comfortable with the engine, I will begin work on the rest of Baby Ghost.
So far the engine features these capabilities:
- Walking
- Running
- Variable height jumping
- Climbing and descend 22.5 degree slopes
- Climbing 45 degree slopes
- Does not get stuck in walls, floors, or ceilings
- Hugs the ground
- Rides vertically, horizontally, and diagonally moving platforms
- Bouncing from attacks
What it does not feature is:
- Ladder climbing
- Jumping through platforms
In addition to those features, it also contains Baby Ghost's new repetoire of moves. The controls for the platform engine are:
Left and right arrow keys- Move left and right (double-tap to run)
Up key- Talk to NPCs, read signs
Down key- Stop talking, stop reading
Fire 1 key- Jump (hold to jump higher)
Fire 2 key- Shoot (use up and down keys to aim)
Hold Up and press Fire 3- EctoTorch (use arrow keys to fly, float over blanket and press Fire 1 to return to normal)
Hold Down and press Fire 3- EctoTorch (do this again to turn it off)
Hold Fire 3 at zero velocity- EctoShield (let go to turn off)
Fire 1 is the comma key, Fire 2 is the period key, and Fire 3 is the forward slash. Fire 4 is the Enter key, but it isn't used in the demo. You can change the controls with Ctrl+Y.
Finally, the download also features my world map engine. The engine runs on 1 bouncing ball object for movement, 2 objects for collision detection, a series of static objects that change the player's direction, a series of objects that enable and disable movement in different directions, and spots that denote different areas. The controls for the world map engine are:
Up key- Move up where applicable
Down key- Move down where applicable
Left key- Move left where applicable
Right key- Move right where applicable
Fire 1- Enter a level (you can only enter levels that are marked red (incomplete) or blue (complete).
Hold Fire 2- Move camera to look at map
One last note, the second most common complaint was that the graphics were too small. Deciding that I didn't want the graphics any larger, I have included two resize features: full screen (not recommended, use alt+enter) and a magnify feature (press + on the numpad to double the window size, - to half it, num lock must be on).
Known issues:
- The game has rendering issues in the center of a scrolling frame at normal resolution (not at 2x, 4x, or full screen, the problem is caused by the Resize display to fill window size property).
Once again, taking all comments and criticisms, as long as they will actually help.
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