The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Sonic Ring Power

Sonic Ring Power
Author: Silveraura Submitted: 10th December, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 602

Sonic Ring Power is an original arcade game themed in Sonic & the object of it is to collect all the rings before you get crushed by the spikes!

There is also a built in highscore board to save you scores on!

Great music from the Sonic games. Newly made graphics. Plus cool 3d text.

It may be a game that you work to beat, but it is an arcade game for anyone Sonic Fan or not too master.

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Posted by Ashman 10th December, 2002

Posted by matrixkitty 11th December, 2002

Posted by Dragon 11th December, 2002

Posted by Silveraura 11th December, 2002

Thanks for all the "NICE" commets people. I was kinda hopping for of the foarm bug reports & stuff like that. I can tell, everyone here knows how to make someone else feel bad about what they did & all I have to do is submit one game & I already have a group of them crouding around!
Posted by Silveraura 11th December, 2002

Plus, I don't know what the heck is wrong with everyone here when it comes to Fangames! If anyone see it they flip on it! Most don't even download it but seem to already have enuff bad things to say about it! I sware this place it good with rude people!
Posted by JJ45 11th December, 2002

A bad game can be a Sonic game. But a Sonic game isn't always bad! What if someone created a great game better than Sonic 2 that has 9999 features and it took 2 years to make, you just skip it cause you have once played a crappy "SonICK the hegdhegohg 500O teh Fan Gamesh!" that has 9999 bugs and it took 2 minutes to make, and think every other Sonic fangame is like that.
Posted by Rik 11th December, 2002

Its stupid to judge a game because it's a fan game, you should play it unbiased and then judge it afterwards. The fact it's a fan game is irrelevant. Being a fan game doesnt stop it from being good. And no, I'm not moaning at you Paul Jeffries, as you definitely seem to have made your view on this game after playing it. I'm just moaning at people in general :).
Posted by Silveraura 11th December, 2002

"Paul Jeffries" I've been here for a long time & I think that the resion I get ticked is because ITS ALWAYS THE SAME PEOPLE SAYING THE SAME THING!
Posted by Evil Monkey 11th December, 2002

Usually that's because people don't try as hard to make fan games. It's more fun to make original games anyway, because you don't have to follow the principles of the original games and you can put in whatever you like.
Posted by Evil Monkey 11th December, 2002

It's not very good. Gets really boring.
Posted by Danny 11th December, 2002

screenshots dammit.....nobody ever puts in screenshots anymore!!!
Posted by Wendell 12th December, 2002

Posted by Shen 12th December, 2002

If you don't want people flaming you then don't submit your games. You'll always get flamed by someone.
Posted by Shen 12th December, 2002

LOL it's blocked on my school filtering system :P
Posted by Ray Steele 12th December, 2002

Hate it!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Cazra 12th December, 2002

If it's a first game, it's all right. Very unique gameplay I must admit. However, there are some bugs: - highscores doesn't work - on the highscores level when you press start(enter) it doesn't go anywhere. - on the game over screen, after the gameover's animation finishes, it just plays again and again. It would be interesting to see what you can make out of this though. Try having many levels and themes on the game. On some levels, have platforms or some rings that don't move. You don't have to take my suggestions if you don't want to of course.
Posted by The Green Stranger 13th December, 2002

Posted by blueemu (Heretic Emu Studios) 13th December, 2002

try clicking save as
Posted by blueemu (Heretic Emu Studios) 13th December, 2002

sonics animation is quite good (despite the fact its obviously ripped) but collecting rings before the spikes hit you is a little repetative
Posted by Silveraura 13th December, 2002

When I made the highscore I didn't see untill it was already added, I made it space bar istead of enter, sorry! x-)& I have a new idea for a highscore that will make it work better, but saddy will be hackable. Plus the fact that it really dosen't matter because if your really playing to see if you can farly beat your own score or a friends then there should be no resion to hack. Plus I am thinking of adding Many new levels to the game. (Note to Danny) I added a screenshot link to it when I submited, why it came up as no screenshots is unknown to me! (Note to Every one!) Ray steele is a perfict example of what I mean about flaming. So don't go around saying how I should lesten to that! (Note to Ray Steele) TRY ADDING WHY YOU "HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by rage 13th December, 2002

hey that was some good ideas. im not gonna complain about any bugs cause i know thats enoying.
Posted by Silveraura 14th December, 2002

Besides the Highscore board dose anyone have any other bugs they have found?
Posted by The Green Stranger 15th December, 2002

It still dosen't work! I've tested the save as method to! I must get that game! ARGH!!!!!!!!! :O :U
Posted by The Green Stranger 15th December, 2002

Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 23rd January, 2003

Green stranger: Copy and paste the link into the address bar, or just type it in. Rand-O-Reviewed.





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