Edited By Brandon on 5/11/2003
Bubbles, infact, living bubbles. Ok at first this may sound like a video game cliche, only because it is. Who cares, hear is the story anyway.
Some big bad evil bubble captures little good bubbles & turns them into little evil bubbles, he trys to catch you, but you break free. You must now blow bubbles at the little evil bubble to capture them, once you do that you must catch them as they come to you. Once you catch them, they will be turned back to normal & float away happly, if you mis one, the big evil bubble captures them again, & sends them back out. You must catch all the bubbles, the ammount rises as levels get higher. Little evil bubbles will try to pop you with there own little bubbles. Bonis life bubbles will come out from the right everyonce in a awhile, catch them & get a life added. Movement from my knowledge is buggless & smooth, but there may be other bugs in the game. So please tell be about any of them below, & I will be sure to do the best I can to fix it in any newer versions. If you can please comment of anything that could make the game better, I will be sure to attempt to put it in or take it off, if its something not needed or wanted.
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 http://www.geocities.com/goldensonic3000/bubblemaster.zip (1.03mb ) Please Note: The server this files is hosted on does not allow direct linking, if you are having trouble downloading this file, right-click the URL and select Save Target As.