The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Penguin Falls

Penguin Falls
Author: Silveraura Submitted: 19th January, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 381

Edited By Brandon on 1/21/2003

A little arcade game where you much fire rubber bullets at penguins to knock them off the ice & into a stream of water, once they stugle there way down the stream they go flying down a water fall. This game includes 5 modes, 1 Player (You Playing with Computer) 2 Player, Easy, Normal, & Hard.
The game plays in full screen.
(This game was tested many times & shouldn't have many bugs, but if there is that chance that you should find one, please tell me below.)

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Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 20th January, 2003

Nice, but it runs very slowly here so I don't think I can review it fairly.
Posted by Silveraura 20th January, 2003

I think it may run slow because of its being in Full screen. :-( I will be releasing a 2.0v that will give the option to play in Windowed or Full screen.
Posted by Silveraura 20th January, 2003

I think it may run slow because of its being in Full screen. %3A-%28%0D%0AI will be releasing a 2.0v that will give the option to play in Windowed or Full screen.
Posted by Razorshark Productions 20th January, 2003

Hmmm.... I've played it for 'bout 46 Seconds, and then my system crashed (Pentium 4 2,4 , 512 Mb. Memory)... Simple, but amusing...
Posted by Silveraura 21st January, 2003

The game tents to frezz for some odd reason, I can't find out. Just put Alt+Ctrl+Del & highlight it in the run window & click End Tast, wait for a little while & a window should pop up, click End Tast there & the game will close & keep any other programs up. (I've noticed this game not frezzing very much if no other programs are running, exept the basic stuff, like Virus Scanners & such.
Posted by Silveraura 22nd January, 2003

For 2.0v I am starting the game from scratch, meaning some graphics will stay & some will go. Many things will feel diffrent as you play the new version of the game.





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