The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Raideo (BETA)

Raideo (BETA)
Author: Simon Colmer Submitted: 8th April, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 202

Raideo is the latest application from Raideo is a media player (hense the name) and it plays all types of media from Music to Videos. As it is in BETA it means that before the final version there will be more options added.

Features Of Raideo
-Raideo lets you watch and listen to media easily with no hasle of having to download updates
-You can create playlists and listen to them with ease and having no restrictions on limit of the amount of MP3's in the playlists
-Drag media from windows explorer onto the window and Raideo will play it!
-Drag media on links that run Raideo and again Raideo will play it!
-Volume control gives you full control of sound on your computer
-Smooth GFX lets you enjoy Raideo even more!

Well thats about it for now as it is a BETA. If you have any problems or have any ideas for Raideo please either e-mail me Simon_Colmer or write it down below.

Thanks to all the BETA testers so far
Programmer: Simon Colmer
GFX: Matt Janes

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  (1.58mb )

Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 8th April, 2004

Sounds cool. Downloading...
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 8th April, 2004

Darn, it downloads reaaaallll slow for me. I'll have to do this later...:(
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 8th April, 2004

Darn, it downloads reaaaallll slow for me. I'll have to do this later...:(
Posted by Jack Galilee 8th April, 2004

Flipping Awsome Must be THEE Best Mediaplayer that anyones ever made in my opinnion! maybe needs some smoothing like the buttons maybe light up with noise and stuff and it would be super cool if you could make the player window slide in and out :D then it really would be the best can i use this for my default media player? XD
Posted by =FrAgGy9100= 9th April, 2004

Its easier to use than Winamp! :D
Posted by Simon Colmer 9th April, 2004

thanks to all, i was thinking about adding sound fx, know ny good ones for the job? I dont know how to make this your default player but i would want to do it someday! If anyone has anymore idea's please say! (p.s tell ur friends so it can be downloaded more!)
Posted by Echisketch(PS) 9th April, 2004

i don't think SFX are needed, except for the first time you'll ever open it, it'd be cool to hear a short clip like winamp's "winamp, it really whips the lamaa's ass." That'd be cool. But it's an extremely functional, clean player, GJ with this, gj.
Posted by Simon Colmer 9th April, 2004

thanks, i did add thanks for downloading Raideo, i will add a kool sound on it then! Ny other ideas?
Posted by Metalfusion 10th April, 2004

Is this really made with Clickteam programs (looks amazing)
Posted by Simon Colmer 10th April, 2004

yep, MMF
Posted by Danny Boy 10th April, 2004

This is good! Here's some suggestions 1 - Select more than one file. 2 - Select a whole folder. 3 - An options were we could choose if it's can minimized to the tray or the task bar. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep up the good work!
Posted by Jack Galilee 11th April, 2004

Posted by Simon Colmer 11th April, 2004

it is, u use the right click to stop the system from mucking up





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