The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Webit 2.0 - V00022 Demo

Webit 2.0 - V00022 Demo
Author: Simon Colmer Submitted: 12th July, 2008 Favourites:1
Genre: Application Downloads: 431
The Daily Click HIGHLY Recommended

Edited By Simon Colmer on 7/26/2008

Webit 2.0 has been development for nearly 3 years. After restarting the project around 3 times its now got to a stage for public usage!

So please take a look and tell me what you think, tell me many errors you come accross and any extra features you would like to see in the future

Gamesare Description: (
"With Webit 2.0 website building becomes a breeze, with its easy to use and understand interface you will be able to build HTML pages with ease, simply port in your images and add your text then save! Preview you page in your browser and once your done simply upload it to your site!

When you need a web page just Webit!"

Artwork by Hampus Olsson


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 (3.13 mkb )

Posted by Codemonkey 12th July, 2008
Rated :

Very nice, easy, and stylish!
Posted by Attan 13th July, 2008
Rated :

Absolutely amazing. Thank you very much.
Posted by X_Sheep 14th July, 2008

...did this program just delete every other folder on my hard drive?
Posted by X_Sheep 14th July, 2008

or am I just going insane?
Posted by Simon Colmer 14th July, 2008

lol, well never heard of that before?? can you send me your specs?
Posted by X_Sheep 14th July, 2008

I was on Windows Vista (Home Basic version, because I'm lame) and placed everything in a folder on my other hard drive partition. When I tried the Update program it crashed. When I tried it again it worked, but I lost everything in my root directory, other than the folder I installed this in.

Luckily everything of value was backed up, but I'm not touching this program again with a 10 foot pole =(
Posted by Simon Colmer 14th July, 2008

odd, it hasnt been tested much in vista (still trying to find people that have it) but everyone that has used it ran fine. Make sure the updater has admin privs, but there is no reason for everything to delete? never ever had that problem before
Are you able to run the program in the same place as you had webit and tell me what the edit box says please (dont worry it has no deleting capability)
Posted by X_Sheep 14th July, 2008

I disabled the Admin Rights bullshit in Vista, so it never asks for permission anymore.
Posted by Hempuli 14th July, 2008

haha, that 'I WANT TO MARRY TIM '
Posted by LIJI 14th July, 2008

Does it use the file object? It made me delete 8 GB of Bleach episodes. Luckily I have File Recovery software.
Posted by Simon Colmer 14th July, 2008

this is the first of these errors i have had, can you please send me ur specs, and download the file and tell me what the edit box says please, i think webit might be deleting other folders instead of the temp folder?
Posted by danjo 15th July, 2008

rofl - nice simon
Posted by Airflow 15th July, 2008

Wow, glad that wasn't me.
Posted by Hill Gigas 15th July, 2008

Wow. Gotta love Vista.
Posted by Simon Colmer 15th July, 2008

Yeah encase people didnt notice i have said it is incompatible for vista currently as i dont want anymore of these errors happening. i think i know what it is that might be doing it (retrieving the user application data folder from windows or something) - but until i can test it vigorously on it, i dont advise it being run on vista. Anyone willing to help would do me a huge favour if they want to help test!
Posted by Silveraura 16th July, 2008

There should be absolutely no reason why Windows Vista could accidentally talk your software into deleting everything off of someones hard drive. I know this isn't something you initially planned, but I have a have a hard time believing that this isn't in part way, a problem that you're over looking because it still fallows some sort logic that you have, but Vista just happens to not have.
Posted by Simon Colmer 17th July, 2008

I understand where you come from, and if this can happen then yes it is my fault for not putting enough stops etc, but atm this is the only idea i have. not knowing how this error happened and only 2 instances of it makes it hard to track down, esp when every instance run on xp, and vista up to this stage worked fine! Plus it had currently only happened on vista, which is why i think maybe its something to do with that. Like i said i have to look into it. Sorry for the delay
Posted by Silveraura 19th July, 2008

Yeah, I can understand how you made your conclusion, but maybe you should install Virtual PC or some other emulation software, then try your software on various operating systems, rather sticking a big NO VISTA logo in your description, and reassure yourself that it's not some other variable.
Posted by X_Sheep 21st July, 2008

I know for a fact that LIJI doesn't use Vista.
Posted by Vertigo 21st July, 2008

I almost clicked download 0_o (I have Vista) Normally I always run the game/app before reading its description maybe I should from now on, because that file deleter game was also a big mistake
Posted by Simon Colmer 22nd July, 2008

well i have been working on replacing how it works, so will hopefully have a fix soon. Just for the moment im still not sure whats going on!
Posted by -Dark Martin- 23rd July, 2008

"I disabled the Admin Rights bullshit in Vista, so it never asks for permission anymore."


Posted by Simon Colmer 26th July, 2008

Bug fixed, new files updated and ready to be tested, Sorry for the problems caused by this error!
Posted by Farmer 5th August, 2008
Rated :

Now, this is a good program: I used it for a while to make my website. My only problem with it is that you can't copy whole pages - which is a massive pity because my site design was waaaaaay too complex to remake every time.

Unfortunately, I'm a tiny bit wary of this now due to the HDD-wiping thing. I might try it on my old desktop though, which uses an older OS version then my lappy.

Still a good program though Image

Comment edited by Pixelgeezer (Ghost Toast Games) on 8/5/2008
Posted by Simon Colmer 29th August, 2008

Ive been needing to implement a copy feature on pages. I will add it in the next update so you can make duplicates of pages! (the hdd-wiping was in V00021 and only affected a few people!)





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