The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Knox News Widget

Knox News Widget
Author: Simon Colmer Submitted: 6th March, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 241

Edited By Simon Colmer on 06/03/2006

Ever heard of Widgets? I first heard of them at the Click Convention last year, what they do is read RSS feeds and display them nicely, well the other night I was looking on one of my fav sites Knox's Korner ( ) and they had just released a Widget for their website to read news but this was only available for MAC OS (which sucks as most home users have Windows - view the Mac OS version ) and so I thought I would attempt a RSS reading program. I used the same graphics as the Knox one in an attempt to mimic as close as I can, and well, I did it!

This widget is a small program which allows you to keep up to date with news, it runs off a RSS feed on Knox's Korner and will tell you if there is any fresh news to read!

Made in just one night, I think its pretty cool! Take a look

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Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 6th March, 2006

Mac OS X widgets are just cleverly disguised bits of HTML code, or so I'm told. But Microsoft are fighting back with the most obvious ripoff ever - "gadgets" are going to be included in Windows Vista.
Posted by Dr. James MD 9th March, 2006

No ripple effect

Wong; they're XML and other jazzy stuff. they need to be written in XTools though. funnily enough.

... refresh news? So it isn't automatically updated? that could be a nifty feature.
Posted by LaraSoft Software 10th March, 2006

I would suggest adding in a refresh feature. It shouldn't be too difficult





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