The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Raideo 1.2

Raideo 1.2
Author: Simon Colmer Submitted: 19th April, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 263

Edited By Simon Colmer on 4/19/2004

Raideo is the latest application from Raideo is a media player (hense the name) and it plays all types of media from Music to Videos. As it is in BETA it means that before the final version there will be more options added.

Features Of Raideo
-Raideo lets you watch and listen to media easily with no hasle of having to download updates
-You can create playlists and listen to them with ease and having no restrictions on limit of the amount of MP3's in the playlists
-Drag media from windows explorer onto the window and Raideo will play it!
-Drag media on links that run Raideo and again Raideo will play it!
-Volume control gives you full control of sound on your computer
-Smooth GFX lets you enjoy Raideo even more!
-Minimise Raideo into the Tray so it doesnt take up as much space on the desktop!

Well thats about it for now as it is a BETA. If you have any problems or have any ideas for Raideo please either e-mail me Simon_Colmer or write it down below.

Note: This is the re-release of Riadeo as it has a few bugs fixed and now has the tray option!

Thanks to all the BETA testers so far
Programmer: Simon Colmer
GFX: Matt Janes

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Posted by Muz 19th April, 2004

Very nice looking thing, though I still prefer Winamp. I'd mention it on the front page when it outta the beta phase.
Posted by Simon Colmer 20th April, 2004

kool. thanks. If anyone has anymore ideas or found any errors can you please contact me!
Posted by gizmo 20th April, 2004

Very nice! :D Do you use Photoshop for the gfx? A nice (but probabily hard) feature would be the ability to read ID3 tags. Cos filename.mp3 is a little ugly to me :P Again, winamp rules my music life :P But at least youre not doing a HTML editor like the rest of us XD A minor niggle: Theres a lack of info on things, (Play and Stop are easy to see) but that little icons a little hard to understand. Also put a few "done" messages so you know when its, say; Saved a playlist etc. Very good work tho :D
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 20th April, 2004

Good work! ;)
Posted by Simon Colmer 20th April, 2004

i will see wot i can do about the ID3 tag! Matt Janes does the GFX so you would have to talk to him about how he does it but i think he does use photoshop! Oh and i used to make HTML builders! :D
Posted by 20th April, 2004

Yes i use photo shope 7.0 for all my CG'ed graphics, im hoping to get CS in the future. Glad you all like the graphics.... I used to try to program but simon was allways better so he does programing and i do gfx.
Posted by Jack Galilee 27th April, 2004

SUGESTION! Use the new associate extension to associate all the suported media types with the prograM!





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