The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. RCA (Remote Computer Access)

RCA (Remote Computer Access)
Author: Simon Colmer Submitted: 19th June, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 248

RCA is a software package i have been developing for servers, this lets a remote user view the hard drives of a computer running the server side. This pacjage comes with 2 applications (Client and Serverside). The server side contains lots of admin controls to help stop hackers, so this software is very secure. Some of these options are passwording, extension blocker (stops certain files from being opened), folder blocker which lets you block some directory's e.g. Porgram Files so people cant view or edit some files. The client side has a few options that allow more security and better unning e.g. Pining that allows constant view upon what the connection speed it like. Altogether this software can allow people that own servers or need help wth their computers to allow remote hosts to view, open, rename, delete and many more options to come to allow even more flexibility!

What does RCA offer me?
RCA duo is a advance, highly secure aplication that lets you safely browse other
peoples computers. RCA is free of charge and is easy to use, RCA server side also
comes with lots of admin options to stop people from using the server for the wrong

Why use this instead of FTP programs or other RCA based programs?
RCA is very easy to use and setup. No PIN codes or registering is needed to use RCA,
furthermore RCA can only be used with other RCA clients so there is a increase in
security to stop hackers!

Stuff from Readme.txt

RCA (Client Side)
RCA is a fast, reliable application that lets you browse drives like never before!
Using fast secure connections and anti-hacker software to build both client and
server side RCA is very secure. RCA uses encryption to stop hackers from gaining
passwords and other information! Furthermore RCA has many options to stop error's
from happening! Using pining to keep a check on the ping speed lets anyone with bad
connections to not use the RCA and stop lagging! Other options like Renaming, Opening,
deleting and moving are just some of the options still to come and in later versions
addons will enable the user to use even better applications on RCA server!

RCA Server Side
Once again using powerful admin rights to stop hackers can be used, RCA server-side is
extremely secure to stop hackers! Different options like the right to choose and limit
what users can do is availible, IP blocking to stop users from entering the server,
Folder blocking stops anyone from looking at certain folders (directories) on the
server side and now extension blocking lets certain extensions from being opened e.g
exe! This and more to come lets the server side be customised into making the
computer very secure!

The bad brown color wont be staying once i get my artist
working on some new gfx!


Creator: Simon Colmer - X-Volt Studios

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   (1.9mb )

Posted by Gamer 19th June, 2004

This is really cool. I attempted something similar to this before, but I never went this indepth.
Posted by Simon Colmer 19th June, 2004

ye i have been making it over a period of time and attempted tp get rid of the common errors!
Posted by Assault Andy 19th June, 2004

Great application, only bug is when you open a file the "File opened" dialog remains infront of things you have opened. You need to make the client minimize when you open a file.
Posted by Galaxy613 19th June, 2004

whoa, neat, only if I had a server to test this out with and/or my router didn't block me..
Posted by J.A.P 21st June, 2004

mmmmmm... donuts..oh no, I MEAN, NICE!
Posted by Simon Colmer 21st June, 2004

lol, thanks all, does nyone have ny more idea's i can add to this?
Posted by Mr Icekirby 2nd August, 2004

i didn't download it but, how about a connection checker, to read how many and who is on it? and a log if you don't have one
Posted by Jonathan Moore 7th March, 2009
Rated :

That's really cool.





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