The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Scratch pad SE (Simple Edition)

Scratch pad SE (Simple Edition)
Author: Decal Submitted: 30th October, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 363

Edited By SoidSnake on 11/7/2005

Scratch pad SE (Simple Edition)

Scratch pad SE is ©Copyright to me.

This allows you easier to edit ASCII files.
Every one say that they doesn't want a better notepad
with new features, because they can use MS Word if they have to.
Notepad is made because it so simple and very fast to open.
Now i made a simple notepad, that's very user-friendly.

This program can open notepad when windows start.
Then you can handle the program in the system tray.
You can create new file,open a document or save a document without open the program. You can do it in the system tray. It's a icon of Scratch pad. You can also copy text from clipboard without open the program and copy the document to clipboard without open the program.
That's because it's hidden, and doesn't obstruct you, and it doesn't cover other applications or anything else. That's becasue it's hidden.
You can show and hide the program in the system tray.

It's a inbuilt ini and html functions.
Easy to handle with ini files.

Special Features

<-X-> The Scratch pad style.
<-X-> New INI maker. Easier to make ini files-
<-X-> 3 color engines.

1: C/c++ color engine
2: INI color engine
3: HTML color engine.

Feel free to report bugs and suggestions.

Review This Download (1.22mb )

Posted by Decal 31st October, 2003

Note: This is a simple version of Scratch pad. This is made because, it's gonna be esier for you to handle files. Notepad is made for write notes very easy, if you want a better one then you can use MSWord. This version is made for write notes more easier then notepad. If you wanna have a better notepad with more functions, then download Scratch pad 1,1. Scartch pad 1,1:
Posted by Decal 31st October, 2003

Those three that have downloaded my software before this message should download it again fi they have Scratch pad 1.1 or will install Scratch pad 1.1 on your computer. Because it was a conflict between This program and Scratch pad 1.1. The bug is now fixed. The Bug wasn't dangerous at all. It just opened the folder to Scratch pad 1.1 when you stated your os, instead of open Scracth pad SE Launcher program. Enjoy the program :)
Posted by Reaven Khali 31st October, 2003

seems pretty trivial to me, you should add hex editing, decryption and encryption...or just something else besides just ASCII, mabey some other text standards.
Posted by Decal 1st November, 2003

Posted by Scooby Noob 3rd November, 2003

This doesn't seems to be useable at all. It's better to use notepad {laugh} You've still have a lot to do on your program..
Posted by Danny Boy 4th November, 2003

Fuck you Scooby Noob!!! You don't get the point! The idea of this site is that we can share what we are making, so don't give uss that bullshit!
Posted by Decal 5th November, 2003

To Scooby Noob: Download Scratch pad 1.1 if you want a notepad that's better than MS Notepad. The meaning to make Scratch pad SE ( Simple Edition ) is to make it simpler not better. If you want a better one. Download Scratch pad 1.1. ThanX That Daniel Guy
Posted by Danny Boy 6th November, 2003

SolidusSnace: NP :D Scooby Noob: Think berfore write ;)
Posted by Decal 8th November, 2003

Hey guys. If you think that SolidusSnace is gone, then you're wrong. I've changen my name to SoidSnake. That's my personal name, you know that solidusSnake is from MGS2. Then it fits my web site too, try it:





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