The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Shut Down

Shut Down
Author: Decal Submitted: 29th December, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 201

Edited By SoidSnake on 11/7/2005

Shut Down 1.0

This program allow you to setup a timer when your computer will:

<-X-> Shut Down
<-X-> Log Off
<-X-> Restart
<-X-> Power Off

There are to ways to do this.

<-1-> Insert the the time when you want the computer to shut down*. Example: 20:30
<-2-> Or you can countdown. If you write in 1 30 30. Then the computer will shut down*
when it turn to 0. 1 30 30 meen 1 hour 30 minutes and 30 seconds. When it has gone 1 hour 30 minutes and 30 seconds then the computer will shut down*

* Shut Down is a example. You can also Log Off, Restart and Power Off too.



First you will se a red icon in the tray menu. It looks like a standby button on a remote control.
If the icon isn't there. Launch the program from the startmenu or the Program location.
Then right click on the tray icon and select "Open/Hide"
Then a window open.
Select one of the checkbox.

<-1-> "Setup Timer"
<-2-> Or "Countdown"

In "Setup Timer"
Write in the time you will that the computer will do an action.

In "CountDown"
Write in how long time it will take before the computer does an action.

Then Right Click on the tray icon and select one of these actions:

<-X-> Activate ShutDown
<-X-> Activate Log Off
<-X-> Activate Restart
<-X-> Activate Power Off

If you want to disable the timer or change the settings, then right click
on "Deactivate Timer". But if you want to Activate it again, then you have to
click on of these actions:

<-X-> Activate ShutDown
<-X-> Activate Log Off
<-X-> Activate Restart
<-X-> Activate Power Off


If you just want to Shut Down, Log Off, Restart or Power Off Now just righ click on
the tray icon and select one of these actions:

<-X-> Just Shut Down NOW!
<-X-> Just Log Off NOW!
<-X-> Just Restart NOW!
<-X-> Just Power Off NOW!


Feel free to report bugs and suggestions

Review This Download (699kb )

Posted by J.J 30th December, 2003

Well done =) Why not give the users a choise if they want to use the menubar style interface you have now or a nice ione with buttons and edit boxes! =)
Posted by Yuhkaz 30th December, 2003

OR.. you could just log off/shutdown/turn the computer off yourself.
Posted by Teapot 30th December, 2003

nice concept dling
Posted by Decal 31st December, 2003

thanks. i will make a nice design version too. re: to "OR.. you could just log off/shutdown/turn the computer off yourself." I have made that. Look in the tray menu :)
Posted by Mikliz 31st December, 2003

most new computers power off on shutdown now anyway...
Posted by ric 1st January, 2004

Link is down !!
Posted by Stian B. 1st January, 2004

Maybe the program shut down the link too? ;)
Posted by Decal 4th January, 2004

The link work now. The program was designed for setting up a timer (countdown or a hour) when the computer shall shut down, restart, log off or power off. The Shut Down NOW and Restart NOW etc was just an extra function. :)
Posted by Danny Boy 3rd March, 2004 for the same program... It's just made some years before yours Soidsnake... Good Woork:)
Posted by Deew 21st June, 2004

If you could modify the program... if you know at least a bit of programing... to make the computer start at a given time, then you have all my respects.





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