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Four score-based games by Günter, LordHannu, and Sketchy
News posted 24th February, 2025 by Joshtek Post A Comment

This time we have four games made by three familiar developers. Despite how it might look, Günter isn't the most productive Clicker in Click history - they are just uploading games from their back catalogue. I wonder if more is to come? I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Viking by Günter

This 2023 game is a platformer with enemies and hazards but made more arcadey through timer and local high score table. In my view the controls and collision detection feel a bit clunky, but it's got some charm.

Comments from the Author: "Viking is a jump and run game. Viking Günni has to fight his way through different worlds. Collect coins and defeat various creatures. And all against the clock. Can you complete all the levels? Have fun."

Don't say: Wait, why does that Viking have a historically inaccurate horned helmet?

Do say: I'll jump into this game to try to get a high score and earn myself a place in Valhalla!

Click here to download the application and read its comments

Bomb zombie village! by LordHannu

Halloween has come early in this fun accessible pixelly arcade game with online hi-scores (Powered by Kliktopia™). You can't jump over the enemies in this game, but you have to kill them to avoid them killing you. No guns, so what do you use? Bombs, of course! Try not to get exploded too much by your own bomb.


Comments from the Author: "Was experimenting with "would it collide at" manage to make pixels fall and behave like sand. Used effect color replacer for same object as debris. made it pixel because seemed cool then I don't need to do extremely detailed debris... Place a bomb in front of the building or in front of the zombie when it explodes the mass will fly away from the player because it hurts the player getting hit by junk. Beginners trap don't bomb yourself at the beginning of the game will cost you greatly later."

Don't say: Why won't anyone think of the poor defenseless zombies?

Do say: Yay, the explosion effect I know and love from Lemmings has returned... in zombie form! I'm gonna get a high score and show those zombies what's what. GET TO THE CHOPPA!

Click here to download the application and read its comments

Monster Trap by Sketchy

That's right, the third hi-score based game in a row. This game is an action puzzler, which is one of my favourite genres but also the one that can frustrate me the most. The game requires a bit of playing to figure out a strategy of how to trap the enemies and their sneaky diagonal pathfinding without getting eaten in the process. There's definitely a few tactics I picked up after playing it a few times to make things easier.

Comments from the Author: "Inspired by the classic "Rodent's Revenge", in this action-puzzler, you play as a pink blob thing, trying to push crates to trap the monsters, before they can catch you."

Don't say: I got a score of 0 twice in a row. I give up!

Do Say: I keep getting better. Patience is a virtue and practice makes perfect!

Click here to download the application and read its comments

CreepyCrypt by Günter

Another Halloweeny game. Another hi-score game. Another game by Günter? All these coincidences are pretty creepy, which is of course appropriate for CreepyTower. Less clunky than Viking.

Comments from the Author: "CreepyCrypt is a top-down action game. Muster up all your courage and descend into the crypt. Collect keys and use them to open secret doors. Beware of the many creatures and eliminate them. Collect red ore to increase your score. Have fun with it and don't get caught."

Don't say: I got stuck at the end of Level 1 - the game must be unbeatable! (No, you just have to do things in the right order...)

Do say: I'm not throwin' away my shot... (because ammo is limited)

Click here to download the application and read its comments

Other news: Lone Fungus has made it to Switch (and other platforms)

On the 21st of February Clickteam dropped the following video:

According to the game entry for Lone Fungus made in Clickteam Fusion:

"Lone Fungus is a true Metroidvania set in a world built by mushrooms where you play as the last mushroom alive. Explore an ancient world, acquire new abilities and discover secrets!Lone Fungus is a true Metroidvania set in a world built by mushrooms where you play as the last mushroom alive. Explore an ancient world, acquire new abilities and discover secrets!

Explore ten distinct areas, each with its own unique set of challenges. Uncover secrets and well deserved rewards in the form of Relics, Emblems and Upgrades. You will need all the attacks skills, Emblem powers and magic you can get your fungi hands on as you fight and parry your way through tons of enemies including 33 boss fights!"

Check it out:

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New games by Jack or John and Günter & nostalgia from Jay Tholen
News posted 17th February, 2025 by Joshtek 3 Comments

It's a bit of a doubles day today, with 2 developers who each have 2 games for us to enjoy.

From Jack or John (who you might remember from their past Creepy and Crazy games) we have the browser-based Shoot 'em Up Shooting Star and the download the joke game Sonic R R (made for Rage Expo 2025).

From new user Günter we have two retro classics remade by: Arkanoid clone Güntoid2 and Space Invaders clone Mech-Invaders (both of which have a high score table and will run in full screen).

Last but not least, I went with a trip down lane from Jay Tholen.

Shooting Star by Jack or John

Comments from the Author: "Shooting Star is a shmup where you play as a green star shooting stuff at other cosmic object. The star and other characters featured are owned by Jennifer Mazur-Becker; nothing present in this game is made by me. This game was made purely out of boredom. I'm starting to run out of things to say, but I hope you will enjoy playing this game, have fun."

Click here to download the application and read its comments

Güntoid2 by Günter

Comments from the Author: "You have to clear the stones with a ball.Occasionally there are bonus stones that you have to catch.When all the stones have been cleared, the level is won. 63 levels."

Click here to download the application and read its comments

Sonic R R by Jack or John

And if you couldn't already tell, this game was made as a joke and is bad on purpose... don't take it that serious."

Click here to download the application and read its comments

Mech-Invaders by Günter

Comments from the Author: "The earth is attacked by aliens. Shoot down all the aliens.From level to level, the aliens attack faster"

Click here to download the application and read its comments

Writing: Being a kid in the Early 2000s by Jay Tholen

You might have remembered me posting the Active Object album by Clicker and Hypnospace Outlaw developer Jay Tholen. Well, he's given us another jolt of nostalgia with his retrospccive on being a kid making games in the early 2000s.

Click here for Jay Tholen's trip down memory lane.

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New game: The Quest of James Denis
News posted 5th February, 2025 by Joshtek Post A Comment

You never knew how much you wanted to buy the boots of faith until you played The Quest of James Denis by CoolPatilloGuy.

Comments from the Author: "This was a little project I made since Christmas 2024 loosely inspired by early Castlevania title ("loosely" as I don't play these game I am such a loser) and features 15 levels.
The level design aren't that great, the bosses are not that smart. But I tried I think.
I know this isn't the best game and can be stressing... but first I tried (and I assume failed if others cannot complete it) and then the whole punchline of this is to be somehow great and finish it. So I put three credits to continue before getting a game over. Also saying it loud: First object to buy are the boots of faith."

Click here to download the application and read its comments

In other news:

Happy New Year, and happy birthday TDC!
News posted 1st January, 2025 by Joshtek 2 Comments

Happy new year and welcome to 2025... and happy birthday to this iteration of The Daily Click!

If you head to this news page you will see the inaugural post of the 'new Daily Click' from Rikus Kras back on the 1st of January 2002.

See the post Rikus made for the 20th birthday of the new TDC for a celebration of the site's history and then read The Daily Click's Timeline which covers the period of 1994 to 2008.

In other news, if you're not quite ready for Christmas to end then you're in luck! The Chris Street (Circy) has submitted Bouncy Claus to The Daily Click with some randomly generated content so you can play an unlimited number of permutations of the game meaning your festive fun can last forever.

According to the author: "Bouncy Claus was created in a window of around seven days, and is a platformer where the player controls Santa as he bounces through a run of 20 stages. His objective? Collect all the presents scattered in each stage! Complete the run and beat the game!"

Boxing Day Surprise!
News posted 26th December, 2024 by Joshtek Post A Comment

The 7 days of Clickmas might be over, but it's legacy lives on! The Daily Click admin Chris Street (Circy) who judged many of the competitions featured has provided his own Christmas gift by providing copies of many of the missing games from those compos.

So, here's a re-cap of the Clickmas Countdown:

Thanks to Circy, we have now found the five missing games from the 2005 Christmas Competition:

We've also now got Gool 2: The Christmas Catastrophe by Alexander Filipowski (8th place) and Bryan and Ivan: Frozen Chill by Tom Carlier (YuYu) (15th place) from the 2006 competition.

Gool 2 by Alexander Filipowski used The Mode 7 Ex object by Marcello Bastea-Forte to profile a 3D experience.

Merry Christmas from The Daily Click (Day 7 of Clickmas)
News posted 25th December, 2024 by Joshtek 1 Comment

On behalf of The Daily Click, I'd like to wish each and every one of you a very merry Christmas!

This is the last day of TDC and Kliktopia's seven days of Clickmas, and I'd like to do a bit of reflection before getting to the new content. Going back through all these old Christmas competitions has helped me appreicate how much work people have put into an amazing collective effort. Thanks to the organisers, the judges, the developers, and the players who were part of a process and a community that resulted in the creation of new freeware creations that are their own kind of interactive magic which would not have otherwise existed. And of course thanks to the variety of people who contributed to the archival of these games which means that so many of them are still available despite the unreliable of old file hosting services and old hard drives.

These Christmas games express the creativity of their authors through the concept, the gameplay, and the music and sound. Even when the authors used pre-made music and effects, etc., they made creative choices. These games were not made in isolation, they were inspired both by the themes, the community, and the culture of the time. For a number of people, Christmas may also be an extra special holiday for them as Clickers because it is when they may have gotten their first Click produt, or purchased an upgrade to a newer version, or it might be when they got the computer they used to develop the games. It might also have provided peopel with time off to allow them to develop and/or play the games.

So, now on with the games. For Christmas day I'll give you a selection box of ten Christmas games. That's right, the theme today is basically that there is no unified theme. Enjoy the variety!

[Competition Winner] Christmas Time Heroes by Strife

See download page on The Daily Click

Read judge's reviews

Download via Kliktopia

I thought I'd sneak in one lass entry to a TDC Christmas Compo, the winner of the 2010 Christmas Competition. Luckily it was no trouble tracking this game down, as the game's entry on The Daily Click still had a working link. A Christmas miracle!"

This is a deliberately difficult platformer to compensate for its short length. According to judge Assault Andy said the game was "awesome", and particularly praised its"Amazing storyline. Quite engaging". 

[Donated] Atomic Santa: Christmas Omega by Jay Tholen

Download via Kliktopia

Christmas is a time for giving, and Jay Tholen kindly donated this game which was historically for sale for $0.99 on its discontinued page.

According to the author: "Santa and Rudolph, lone warriors for keeping Christ in Christmas, stand against an Illuminati Onslaught after the North Pole is nuked. Atomic Santa: Christmas Omega is a short-but-sweet festive shmup/platformer experience by Jay Tholen."

More recently, the author also noted that: "It's dated by being a satire on the politics of like 10 years ago".

[Non-English] Santa Cross by Warano (Straw)

Download via Kliktopia

You don't need to speak Japanese to enjoy this Christmas game, although looking at the machine-translated readme for instructions might be handy!

This game was contributed to Kliktopia by Peter, who has sent in a lot of Japanese games but has yet to get in touch via email or the Kliktopia Discord to say hi. If you're listening Peter, then please get in touch so we can thank you more directly for your archival efforts!

[Made as a gift] JJ's Doomsday Christmas by BigAl0104

View entry on The Daily Click

Download via Kliktopia

BigAl0104's 2023 festive follow-up to Alex & Friends' Quest was made for his girlfriend, but shared with the world. Those on the Kliktopai Discord followed along with the development of this lovable platform adventure game.

[Educational] Santa Teaches Typing by Pixelthief

Download via Kliktopia

Made for The Daily Click's Christmas Competition 2010, this is one of the few (or only) educational Christmas-themed Click game. Unfortunately, it ranked poorly due to a lack of sound as that was a key criteron for the competition. Assault Andy praised it for being "actually quite compelling and fun", but warned about its punishing difficulty curve which goes from super easy at Stage 1 to super hard at Stage 3.

[Versus] Funny Furries 2 Xmas by Bastiaan de Jong

Download via Kliktopia

'Tis the season for a bit of combat. Made a few years before the more bloody Christmas Combat by 3kliksphilip, this 1999 game is part of a versus series that I did actually play back in the day, usually fighting against my brother (when we weren't playing Smile Kombat Gold by Smiley Productions).

[Fan Game] Merry Gear Solid 2 by 

Dowload via Kliktopia

See entry on Arthur Lee's website

While there are plenty of Christmas-themed South Park fangames to choose from and at least one Sonic fangame, when I think of games inspired by other franchises I think of the Merry Gear Solid games by Arthur 'Mr. Podunkian' Lee. We already featured the first title in the 2006 Compo, so I'll go with its sequel.


[Point & Click Adventure] Freddie Trims a Tree by Philip Williams

Entry on The Daily Click

Download via Kliktopia

This 1996 game is one of the first Christmas Click games I ever played. I asked the author's permission to port this short but charming point and click Klik & Play adeventure game over to Clickteam Fusion 2.5 back in 2018 and Philip responded immediately giving permission.

[Memorial] Christmas Card by Paul Boland


Download via Kliktopia

In honour of remembering those Clickers who are no longer with us to celebrate Christmas, I am including a 2001 Christmas Card from Paul Boland of KnightTrek Productions. Paul was a kind and generous soul who passed away on the 14th of January 2021. Although I only met him once (at Click Convention 2007) he is still in my thoughts and my heart.

[Hot off the press] Crazy Christmas by Jack or John

Entry on The Daily Click

Download via Kliktopia

I'll finish with a reminder of how people are continuing to make and update Click games by featuring the latest entry on The Daily Click, version 2 of Jack or John's 2023 Christma platformer. The latest release contains new secrets and level design.

I hope you enjoyed this selection box and check out the games that interest you. If you still want more than more Christmas games are available over at:

P.S. If you want to get even more festive then you can go to to change to TDC's Xmas Skin.

Clickmas Countdown Day 6: TDC Xmas Compo 2004 - Platformers
News posted 24th December, 2024 by Joshtek Post A Comment

We're at Christmas Eve and it's time for the penultimate festive gift, which is the return of The Daily Click's 2004 Christmas Competition. I have fixed the links to point to archives provided by Chris Street (Circy) and added the screenshots to the page. The theme for 2004 was platformers made in the style of a certain plumber... but more festive.

As noted in Circy's winner announcement post the top two entrants were as follows:

1st: Super Santa Snowland
Author: Mårten Brüggemann (Eve)

Kliktopia entry
Direct download

CHRIS: A great, fun game with some wonderful graphics. Eve has really captured the essence of Christmas and Mario, and blended them both together. First rate. The storyline is perhaps a little predictable, but the subliminal gameplay is more than satisfying. One nit-picking point, however, is that the controls can seem to be a little fiddly. I've often bounced off blocks into enemies, thus resulting in death. Other than this annoying niggle, I see no reason why Eve shouldn't win this competition.

PETE: This is another strong contender. It boasts what are the best graphics of the competition by far - lovely pixel work and great little effects to complement it. Christmassiness naturally shines through because of this. The game is quite hard and sometimes feels unresponsive so I docked it a few marks for gameplay. Marioishness, however, is top notch. The game simply IS Mario, without actually being a Mario clone, if that makes sense. The speed of the characters is slightly off so I didn't award full marks for this category.

SHAB: Another good entry! This one is more like the classic Mario than the newer ones, which normally wouldn’t be a bad thing, if the engine responded properly. Not sure If it was just me or not, but I found myself fighting the controls more than anything. This hurts the game in the worse way.

2nd: Fat Santa
Author: Greg Percy (Dr Evil Face/ Skinny)

Kliktopia entry

Direct download

CHRIS: Very not bad at all. The engine is virtually identical to the Mario style which was being asked of everyone, but it was timer based! Because of this the height jumping varied, no matter how long I held SHIFT down. It was hard to stop Santa while he was running as well. Marks lost on the gameplay front for this. Early levels were Mario-esque, but they seemed to turn into standard platform levels later on and the Mario feel got lost on occasion. Santa himself looked very similar to Mario as well. The storyline was quite amusing and effort was clearly put into it, but it looked a little scrappy perhaps. A nice touch was the level map; the only entrant to add this. Graphics overall were nice, although on some levels it was hard to tell which bits were platforms. Summing up, a pretty good effort, but not as good as it could have been, which is a real pity.

PETE: Another excellent entry, very very Mario-like, although I deducted a mark for the ripped music - a minor blemish in an otherwise great game. The graphics are certainly Mario-esque without being too like their inspiration. The story is standard fare (another elf rebellion) but well integrated.

SHAB: As I think this game reached the goal of being the most "Mario-ish" It got the highest marks in that category. Graphics were alright though some bugs present themselves during gameplay, so some minor marks off for that.

Click here for the full scoring and all the games

(including Santasm by Radix, Christmas Conquest by Stephen Lindberg AKA Snerlin, Santa Takeback by Isac Sandelin of Icegames, Santa: A Late Christmas by Phizzy, Santa en Argentino by Jeremiah, and Floating Head Santa by Batel of Neonair)

In other news, if you haven't checked it out there is currently a Clickteam Christmas Sale on Steam and on too.

Clickmas Countdown Day 5: TDC Xmas Compo 2003 - Winter Sports
News posted 23rd December, 2024 by Joshtek 1 Comment

For Day 5 we have The Daily Click's 2003 Christmas Competition run by Pete Nattress. Most of these games were found on the Internet Archive, with the exception of Super Snowboarder where version 1.1 was from my old downloads folder.

The theme for the 2003 competition was "Winter Sports", and many entrants went with ski games, some reminiscent of the Click demo game Ski Monday.

I'll run through the games in order of placement, with the overall summary from each of the judges for the three winners.

If you want to read what exactly the judges said about the games you can find the opinions HERE for Pete, HERE for Circy, HERE for Shab and HERE for Shab.

1st: Freestyle Santa by Tom Carlier (YuYu)

See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

Circy: "94/100. This is brilliant! The graphics have an amazing chunkiness - obviously rendered somehow, but the whole game oozes class and dignity. The engine is a little difficult to get to grips with, but eventually you'll master it. Easily the best entrant in my opinion, Freestyle Santa clearly deserves to win this competition. Excellent work."

Pete: "75/100. This game is a clear contender for the top place. The controls take a while to get used to; in fact, they are the most annoying thing about it, but it is fun once you get the knack. The 3D rendered graphics are quite nice although I do have a few qualms with the blocky main Santa sprite. Music is suitably Christmassy and sounds fit well. A very nice effort all round!"

Shab: "49/100. Hey it's good, but not great."

2nd: DownTime by Paul Jeffries

See entry on The Daily Click
See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

Pete: "68/100. Another of my favourite entries, Paul Jeffries has really pushed MMF and pulled off a pretty impressive feat with this pseudo-3D game. The presentation is top notch, especially the title screen. I think where the game lets itself down is with the rather blocky graphics and sometimes unapparent gameplay – it is an easy game and you may find yourself just sitting there whilst the sleigh drives itself. Sound and music are also a bit lax. Technically, this is a brilliant game but the struggling gameplay issues are stopping it from reaching my number one spot.

Circy: "67/100. A very impressive technical example of what MMF can do; Paul Jeffries has coded this very well. However, the bobsleigh track looks a little naff, and it's slow, so that’s why the graphics aren't as high as they could be. Horrible music, and the whole game gets a little boring. But sheer technical brilliance overall."

Shab: "61/100. The graphics are a mixed bag, and to me the game itself wasn't all that interesting."

3rd: Santa goes Tossing before Christmas by Lasagnasoft 

See entry on The Daily Click
See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

Shab: "69/100. This game is fun, but you won't find yourself playing it for hours."

Circy: "57/100. Interesting mini-game here, rather than a full production. The idea is to throw a snowball as far as you can. This isn't technically a winter sport, as there's this little Olympic event called "The Javelin". Well coded, mind, and probably great fun in short bursts. But not bad stuff overall."

Pete: "56/100. Comment: This is a neatly presented but disappointingly simple button basher. I do love the cartoony graphics though, along with the dangerously ambiguous title. The high score table is nice too, but this game is purely all mouth and no balls, and becomes boring pretty quickly. Music is appropriate but unoriginal and the sound effects leave something to be desired. As for the whole winter sport thing… it’s really not a sport. Low marks for that."

4th: Super Snowboarding by Caspar Raaarup (CsaR)

See entry on The Daily Click
See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

5th: Snowball Showdown by Hernan Zhau

See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

6th: Shovel!!! by Paolo Tajè (Monkey Soft) 

See entry on The Daily Click
See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

7th: Xmas Xtreme by Andrea Galvani (PeggioSoft)

See entry on The Daily Click
See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

8th: Snow Ride by Beejay Urzo (Anfini)

See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

9th: The First Annual Reindeer Games by Kenley Brown

While this game has an entry on The Daily Click the download link does not work. Let me know if you have a copy!

10th: Obstacle Snowboarding by Nuutti Hölttä (GameCyborg)

See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

11th: The Vasa Race by Niklas Heikkilä (joNickArt Entertainment)

See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

12th: High Voltage Snowboarding by Alex Filipowski

See entry on Kliktopia
Download the game directly

Clickmas Countdown Day 4: Klikkety Klik Xmas Compo 2001
News posted 22nd December, 2024 by Joshtek 2 Comments

I'm not sure what the first Christmas click competition is, but an earlier one was run by Klikkety Klik / TFGF back in 2001.

Thanks to a November 2002 Daily Click post from Chris Street and on the old Klikkety Klik website, I have identified the games and brought back the 2nd and 3rd place winners. I have tracked these games down and added them to Kliktopia so that you can enjoy these slices of Clickmas history from some well-known developers and studios!


Gingerbread Man by Akira of Natomic Studios (2nd place)

See entry on Kliktopia

Download the game directly

Description: According to Natomic "It's basically a small one level long Platform/Puzzle game."

Story: According to Natomic "Some evil misguided candies have kidnapped Santa Claus. If he is not rescued he will be tried and put to death for his acts of manslaughter against nearly a third of the population of Candy Land. Mrs. Claus entrusted you with the task of going to Candy Land and rescuing old Saint Nick. Make your way through the level by dodging gum drops and hard caramel candy. Collect the keys needed to open the chests and find Santa."

Archival history: Thanks to Yxkalle's work for Kliktopia I found that the Andi Smith's Natomic GitHub from 2014 features both the game and its source code.

Santa Pies by Andrew Mather of O3 (3rd place)

See entry on Kliktopia

Download the game directly

Description: According to O3: "Simple christmas game, You have sixty seconds to eat as many mince pies as possible. Control Santa, and eat them pies!!! Features internet score submission so you can find out just who ate all the pies. The game was coded in Jamagic and created for the Klikkety Klik code can be found in the Tutorials section at JamInn."

Archival history: This is one of the few 2D games made in Jamagic. I found version 1.2 of the game in Podunkian's archive, and I found the source code on my computer downloaded from the Clickteam forum back in July 2002. According to the source, the origina game was made in just 2 days. Source code description from JamInn: "Open source 2d scrolling game, with eight directional movement, collision and animation control. Fully commented".


Clickmas Countdown Day 3: TDC Xmas Compo 2006
News posted 21st December, 2024 by Joshtek Post A Comment

For Day 7 of TDC's 7 Days of Clickmas we bring you the 2006 Christmas Competition, which ended up running a bit late but had the advantage of allowing people to use Multimedia Fusion 2 for the games.

I have gone through all the entries to add working download links and screenshots. This time only two games are missing (Gool 2 and Bryan and Ivan: Frozen Chill) - I'll add those to the page if I get a hold of working copies.

A fewer games in 2006, but still an impressive haul, including some like Merry Gear Solid by Podunkian which went on to become Click classics. It also includes at least two games with level editors: Santasm 3 and Christmas Collector. If decide to create new levels for these old games then feel free to share them with us!

Most of these old games were preserved by Chris Street and contributed to the Kliktopia archive, so big thanks to Circy alongside everyone who participated in ths competition around 18 years ago.

As with the 2005 entries I have also now added this collection to the TDC's Click Museum to make it easier for people to find them in the future.

  Pos Game Author Points
1 Merry Gear Solid Podunkian 259
2 Santaman Got the Blues Hayo 242
3 Sleepy Head Santa Hernan 239
4 Santasm 3 Radix 227
5 Definitely Not a Tanooji Game Bibin 198
6 sc.exe Borgi 150
  7 Jesus Saves Xmas '06 Blanco 147
  8 Gool 2 Yuyu 144
  9 Christmas Toy Workshop Hempuli 140
10 Christmas Thievery Slink 139
  11 Santa Bomber Nioreh 138
  12 Santa's Challenge Smarty 132
  13 Pengu Volley Djud 121
  14 Xmas Puzzler AndyUK 108
  15 Bryan and Ivan: Frozen Chill Alex Filipowski 101
  16 Christmas Collector awesomasapossum 62

View the reviews of all entries (with screenshots)

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