Edited By s-m-r on 11/29/2010
NOTE: game file updated as of 29 Nov. 2010. This fixes most, if not all, compatibility issues.
let-off studios presents its first-ever flash app release: father ryan vs. the zombies!!! this is a fan game for the outrageous goof-rock band, the dirty marmaduke flute squad. it's also a tribute to pac-man; and if you enjoy that classic, then you'll also love this quick-to-pick up arcade game.
direct father ryan through the graveyard, picking up nachos and avoiding zombies...that is, avoid them until you drink a beer, power up, and smash 'em!
play long enough, and you'll make it to the secret bonus level: are you faster than a shambling zombie?", where you'll have a mad dash through a zombie-infested graveyard for bonus points and an extra life!
for more info on the dirty marmaduke flute squad, visit http://www.flutesquad.com .
begun in 2005 as an outgrowth of nikc [sic] miller's solo backyard shed music project, the dirty marmaduke flute squad took the baltimore music scene by storm with its outrageous costumes, brow-raising lyrics, and goofy stage antics. with a career spanning two full-album releases, a national television appearance, a beer and guitar sponsorship, two video games, and more cardboard horse-heads than pretty much any other band in existence, the flute squad finally decided to "go on indefinite hiatus" in october 2010.
about the game
if you've played pac-man, you know how to play this game. use the arrow keys on the keyboard, along with the enter key to make menu selections.
it is recommended you have functioning speakers to play this game. otherwise, follow the on-screen instructions where indicated.
amidst a dearth of feedback, i'm satisfied that this game is in presentable shape. however, if you have any suggestions on how to fix something you see as wrong, please leave a comment here or send me a private message. thanks for playing!!!
Review This Download
 http://www.let-off.com/software/frvtz.html (4.25 mkb )