Edited By s-m-r on 3/3/2011
NEBULA FORCE is a shoot-em-up that increases intensity and action the further you go into it, as well as an art showcase for TDC members!
Choose an art set, select either ACTION or TARGET mode, and play! Use the mouse to aim and shoot, and either the WASD keys or the ARROW/CURSOR keys to move. Once you've picked up a power-up, click on the icons along the right-hand side of the screen to upgrade your ship in four different categories, repair your damage, and launch special weapons.
This is a collaborative project that has taken about two and a half months to complete. A call was sent out on The Daily Click to artists to complete a "to do" list of artwork. SMR then implemented artwork from completed (or mostly completed) art submissions from participants. Some considerable tweaking here and there, a boat-load of testing, and now NEBULA FORCE is ready for the public!
Although the "download" link below will take you to the Flash version of the game, you can click on the following link to download the stand-alone version, where you won't need an Internet connection to play.
HUGE THANKS go out to the contributors who helped make NEBULA FORCE look as great as it does: Don Luciano, Del Duio, Resident Pyromaniac, and GamesterXIII. It wouldn't be here without you folks...! I hope the game lives up to your expectations.
Thanks and kudos also go to Assault Andy, who initially inspired me with his collaborative game competition from 2010. Also, my good friend Fraktured Desire did the music and some sound effects for the game...Thanks a bunch!
Please include your feedback, critique, and suggestions below. Thanks!
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 http://www.let-off.com/software/nforce/nforce.html (4.5 mkb )