TUTORIAL: Audio-Visual Quiz
Author: | s-m-r
Submitted: | 17th May, 2013
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Genre: | Tutorial
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Edited By s-m-r on 5/19/2013
EDIT: A second frame - a clone of the first - has been added to show how simple it would be to create additional frames with different questions and so on.
An example MFA file by smr / SlowMotionRiot of let-off studios.
May 2013
The following Frame is an example of a "question & answer" kind of quiz or application, where the user sees and hears a question, and must select the correct answer from the list of available choices. The user is also able to do the following:
- click on a button to hear the question again
- hear each of the audio samples of an answer by hovering their mouse over the selection
- see a "highlight box" overlapping the answer over which they are currently hovering their mouse pointer
- hear audio confirmations whenever a correct or incorrect answer are selected
- adjust the volume of the background music
Although the example uses foreign languages as its subject matter, it can be customized for literally any multiple-choice question quiz.
All events and conditions are commented in plain English, suitable for beginners and novices just like me.
Want more questions? Simply clone this frame, and alter the answers and questions. Change the picture of the adorable kitty-cat to something more appropriate where necessary.
All events and voice samples by me. Picture found via Internet search using startpage.com . Background music from Clickteam. Conditions and events composed in MMF2.
I hope this is a useful example; I started making it for my day job, and decided to share what I developed as an example because I can see it used in a number of ways. If you use it to make any applications, please let me know! I'd love to see them in action.
Review This Download
http://www.let-off.com/software/examples/qna/q-n-a_spanish.mfa (1.6 mkb )
s-m-rSlow-Motion Riot Registered 04/06/2006
Points 1078
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